"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Maybe there are a lot of people who feel the Democratic party is doing a lousy job of representing them.

The Democrats are not fighting for better wages, they aren't fighting to reduce income or wealth inequality and they aren't fighting for equal Justice under the law.

I don't know every bill Democrats have proposed, but I do wish they would (or could) be more aggressive and work on their economic understanding and messaging. A little more cohesiveness around economic issues would go a long ways. I realize we are dealing with a post-Reagan America that is unwanting of any form of socialism, but I'd like to believe that if we inform people and set an example of collectivism working that over time we can rebuild our public infrastructure and welfare system.
he lost.

Y'all get over yourselves.

Time to move on.
I don't know every bill Democrats have proposed, but I do wish they would (or could) be more aggressive and work on their economic understanding and messaging. A little more cohesiveness around economic issues would go a long ways. I realize we are dealing with a post-Reagan America that is unwanting of any form of socialism, but I'd like to believe that if we inform people and set an example of collectivism working that over time we can rebuild our public infrastructure and welfare system.
This is exactly what needs to happen and no one in either party is talking about it.

We need another FDR. That's asking for a hail Mary pass, though.
I don't know every bill Democrats have proposed, but I do wish they would (or could) be more aggressive and work on their economic understanding and messaging. A little more cohesiveness around economic issues would go a long ways. I realize we are dealing with a post-Reagan America that is unwanting of any form of socialism, but I'd like to believe that if we inform people and set an example of collectivism working that over time we can rebuild our public infrastructure and welfare system.
Ryan IS socialism; socialism for mega corporations in the form of tax breaks, subsidies and endless giveaways.

No one complains about socialized military, police, fire protection, roads or airports.

Seems kind funny when I put it that way, doesn't it?

We're headed for another Great Crash. We may not be able to pull out of the it like we did the last one- and the Crash of 2008 was devastating enough as it was.
Yes you are, Stinkydigit.
Listen, I'm not the one telling people to "get over it" but pining over (loser) Sanders (loser) who could even get nominated.

If you compare Clinton's election results with Sanders primary results and compare them relatively she beat him by a full 15%.
Listen, I'm not the one telling people to "get over it" but pining over (loser) Sanders (loser) who could even get nominated.

If you compare Clinton's election results with Sanders primary results and compare them relatively she beat him by a full 15%.
Funny how that number keeps climbing, like the fish that got away keeps growing.

The current Democratic Party does not represent me, my needs or my positions. They demonstrably represent those of their donor class.

But you wouldn't know integrity if it walked up and smacked you up side the head.
Funny how that number keeps climbing, like the fish that got away keeps growing.

The current Democratic Party does not represent me, my needs or my positions. They demonstrably represent those of their donor class.

But you wouldn't know integrity if it walked up and smacked you up side the head.
You just don't understand math bro, your side are weak for that.

Like Flaming Sky questioning my probability response that was pure math.

Sanders fools are ignorant, you idiots even liked my post about "Echo Chambers" when it almost directly describes your little cabal.
The world needs stronger centrist governments, unfortunately, that means really smart people.

I remember in the run-up to the election, they would interview these country bumpkins on why they support Trump, and they were all like, 'government never does anything for the small man', without realising that government doing something for the small man is called socialism.
You just don't understand math bro, your side are weak for that.

Like Flaming Sky questioning my probability response that was pure math.

Sanders fools are ignorant, you idiots even liked my post about "Echo Chambers" when it almost directly describes your little cabal.
Derp. Exactly what side am I on that I'm advocating for more opportunity for those less fortunate in our currently excessively classist society? I'd like to think you'd be on my side, but clearly you aren't. I know better than to think you've already made it.

And you're bad with the assumptions, as well; I use math every day, Stinkydigit.
Derp. Exactly what side am I on that I'm advocating for more opportunity for those less fortunate in our current classify society? I'd like to think you'd be in my side, but clearly you aren't.

And you're bad with the assumptions, as well; I use math every day, Stinkydigit.
As I've said 100 times, I'm far far more to the left than you.

The difference is you have absolutely no concept of incrementalism and want to split the liberal vote because of this ignorance.
As I've said 100 times, I'm far far more to the left than you.

The difference is you have absolutely no concept of incrementalism and want to split the liberal vote because of this ignorance.
No, we are not so far apart, but unlike you I don't see the value in emphasizing divisions.

As I've explained before, I'm tired of waiting for incrementalism to work; I've only been waiting for 40 years. How much longer do you suggest, Stinkydigit?
No, we are not so far apart, but unlike you I don't see the value in emphasizing divisions.

As I've explained before, I'm tired of waiting for incrementalism to work; I've only been waiting for 40 years. How much longer do you suggest, Stinkydigit?
See? You truely just don't get it.

It has been working; slowly enough that it becomes the norm and Conservatives accept it.

I'm gonna go back to working now, enjoy spending a Sunday night shitposting alone and hoping for Granny Tit Pics, lol.
See? You truely just don't get it.

It has been working; slowly enough that it becomes the norm and Conservatives accept it.

I'm gonna go back to working now, enjoy spending a Sunday night shitposting alone and hoping for Granny Tit Pics, lol.
Then explain how your vision of incrementalist success has resulted in a country far to the right of where it was 40 years ago?

If I were you, I wouldn't accuse anyone else of shitposting, Stinkydigit.
Then explain how your vision of incrementalist success has resulted in a country far to the right of where it was 40 years ago?

If I were you, I wouldn't accuse anyone else of shitposting, Stinkydigit.
Far to the right of where it was?

Its really difficult to quantify how stupid you actually are.

The US has never been further to the left.

Relative to other countries we're further to the right than they are but relative to ourselves we've never been further to the left.
The world needs stronger centrist governments, unfortunately, that means really smart people.

I remember in the run-up to the election, they would interview these country bumpkins on why they support Trump, and they were all like, 'government never does anything for the small man', without realising that government doing something for the small man is called socialism.

You have not got a clue have you,
back to the basement
Far to the right of where it was?

Its really difficult to quantify how stupid you actually are.

The US has never been further to the left.

Relative to other countries we're further to the right than they are but relative to ourselves we've never been further to the left.
The good old USA is nothing more than a socialist shithole, about time you blokes/ladies/trannies figured out what socialism is all about
Red States the most, they seem to just mooch off the rest of the country. Can't help them selves, I guess.
Right wingers know all about socialism. After all, they're all about that corporate welfare!

Cut taxes on corporations! Give 'em big subsidies!

Then wonder why there's nothing left.