Active Member
Hmm r any of u guys addicted? Does anyone recommend trying it or staying away from it? If so why? I'm curious, ha if I od I would like the police to find this post and say curiosity killed the cat.
i would say stay away from coke. i would tell anyone to stay away from all drugs recreationally unless it is cannabis or a psychedelic known for low toxicity. recreational drugs that people use for "gettin fucked up" to me are a waste of my brain and life. Cannabis and most psychedelics are known for low toxicity and psychedelics especially for their non addictiveness. Cannabis can be used for serious relaxtion and meditation w/o harming you, especially when comsumed in food and psychedelics are brain medicine and are thought to be the least addictive or toxic of all recreational drugs . Anything that has potential to cause any sort of harm to your brain or body or become heavily addictive to me is a waste and seems like a bad thing to do for me. been addicted to a shitty drug before so i know what it's like and it only led me down a bad road that i'm glad i left.