If you got bad news, you wanna kick them blues...Cocaine

Hmm r any of u guys addicted? Does anyone recommend trying it or staying away from it? If so why? I'm curious, ha if I od I would like the police to find this post and say curiosity killed the cat.

i would say stay away from coke. i would tell anyone to stay away from all drugs recreationally unless it is cannabis or a psychedelic known for low toxicity. recreational drugs that people use for "gettin fucked up" to me are a waste of my brain and life. Cannabis and most psychedelics are known for low toxicity and psychedelics especially for their non addictiveness. Cannabis can be used for serious relaxtion and meditation w/o harming you, especially when comsumed in food and psychedelics are brain medicine and are thought to be the least addictive or toxic of all recreational drugs . Anything that has potential to cause any sort of harm to your brain or body or become heavily addictive to me is a waste and seems like a bad thing to do for me. been addicted to a shitty drug before so i know what it's like and it only led me down a bad road that i'm glad i left.
I did & sold cocaine a few years back when i was 20.. . Right off the Brick pure shyt. I enjoyed it and diddnt find it hard to Stop cold turkey.. at all. Main downfall is the lack of hunger and as someone who likes to look good and workout alot, its not my kinda drug to do on a regular basis.
Everyone I know who has used Coke any length of time at all has the same opinion that i have - there is no redeaming factor inherent in coke to make it worth while. We have all lost years of our life chasing lines. We learned nothing, we did not grow, after a short while we didn't even risk leaving the mirror (or the pipe) to go out partying or clubing. Now that was during a time when we could all get the best of the best coke. Now, not only is there no redeaming feature, it doesn't even make you feel good. Stick to smoke and the occasional psychadelic. (and an opiate or to for variety)
There is absolutely no reason to snort it. Just eat it. Where do you think it goes after you snort it?

No rubbing your nose or nostril cakes. I have no idea why people still snort that shit up their nose. Are they trying to look like a coke head?
I too used to swallow a little at a time, Kicked in faster.
There is absolutely no reason to snort it. Just eat it. Where do you think it goes after you snort it?

No rubbing your nose or nostril cakes. I have no idea why people still snort that shit up their nose. Are they trying to look like a coke head?
might seem everything is beautiful...problems what problems....addition for one problem.....stay away.....been there done that and wish i didn't
I think cocaine is a Drug everyone should Try 3 times.. the 1st wont be too great as you'll learn what its kinda like.. the 2nd time do it and try to Notice what the High brings... the 3rd time, go out and have fun.. then quit.
not everyone can just quit it's not always that easy for everyone unfortunately some people are lucky and can though
I think cocaine is a Drug everyone should Try 3 times.. the 1st wont be too great as you'll learn what its kinda like.. the 2nd time do it and try to Notice what the High brings... the 3rd time, go out and have fun.. then quit.

You forgot the 4th time with a Hooker.

If you're going to do it, do it right.

Then quit. Coke is for kids.
Well, if you sell it and happen to have a brick.. may be harder to stop. Its only hard when you surround yourself with people who abuse it..you too will then abuse it.. but if you have to BUY IT every time just to USE IT. shouldnt be too hard to quit unless your weak.
I remember going to a friends house to party one year. A bunch of heads getting together before a local show or something. Good friends.

I showed up and it was an odd vibe. "Is this a party?" Music turrned low. Groups of people inside and outside talking softly. "WTF?" Then I see one of the guys with a mirror chopping up 18-20 lines. This seemed to bring everyone into the living room where I was loading bongs and drinking my SNPA. The mirror starts its way around the room, gets handed to me and I just passed it on to the next guy without even looking at it. I seemed to be the only person at the party that was enjoying himself and hell, I wasn't going to stop.
I think cocaine is a Drug everyone should Try 3 times.. the 1st wont be too great as you'll learn what its kinda like.. the 2nd time do it and try to Notice what the High brings... the 3rd time, go out and have fun.. then quit.

I'm on step 2 of this... And I agree. But honestly I don't think its all THAT great... Sure its fun but its just not fun enough. And doesn't last long enough. Plus it lacks a lot in a way that I cant explain....

The first time I did it I decided that I would only do it 2 more times.
Anyone having trouble kicking that coke shit should just eat some good acid. It will make you realize how silly that white powder is.
Hmm r any of u guys addicted? Does anyone recommend trying it or staying away from it? If so why? I'm curious, ha if I od I would like the police to find this post and say curiosity killed the cat.

I would recommend trying every drug, I wouldn't say i'm addicted to coca but herb, yes, i have no appetite if i don't consume THC, however cocaine relaxes and focues me in such a way that i enjoy using it. Consume at your own pace with people you are comfortable with.