If you had to guess *w/ pics

So I got this seed from a friend, he said that it came from a bag of dank, what do y'all experts think, S dom or I dom? It kinda reminds me of the kush plant but the leaves only have three fingers. Its a female for sure because I threw it in the flower room about a month ago, till sex was clear then placed her back into veg. I've toped her twice getting four mains, and she has responded well. But I'm still curious to hear what y'all think the strain is. IMG_20120927_093608.jpgIMG_20120926_122809.jpgIMG_20120926_122833.jpgIMG_20120927_093557.jpg
And yes its the same plant in all pics, it turns almost purple when ever I stick it under the HPS. Then back to that lovly shade of green under the CFLs in the veg tent.


Active Member
its impossible to tell but, the strain is...tide stick (its tied to a stick):clap: that pot is kinda small if you are gonna flower under hps maybe transplant
Oh for sure on then trans plant, any girls in my flower closet gets five gal pots cut to four gal. That keeps me from gettin greedy/cought lol. That way I can only have a few girls flowering at a time. Also the light in flower is 400 watt hps, and veg is 8 26 watt CFLS 4 of each specturm stagered.


Well-Known Member
Indica dom...but STOP touching them. If you feel the need to be one with the plant, just sit there and LOOK. Don't pull leaves off, don't top. Your plants will do so much better if you remember "less is more". You'll see, it took me a few grows to find that one out. Nothing worse than getting to week 7, only to have it die.


Active Member
I'm gonna have to agree with schuylaar on this one. Topping is fine if done correctly but that girl looks wayy to small to have been topped twice already.
Be careful you don't "love" her to death and GL on your grow! Pretty decent start though if you ask me.
Thanks guys, and I do understand about loving to death but with this lil girl it was mainly just an experment and she's looking way better then I thought she would. She's been thrown over a fence with her pot distoryed and roots exposed for a few days. I repoted and she's been ok. Like I said she is just looking like a great little plant and would like to flower her threw. Oh also I havnt been able to afford any nuts, shitty dollor store soil. And watering with rain water.