If Your Spilling Bullshit, Keep Your Advice to Yourself


Well-Known Member
Was reading a few threads, when I realized that there are way too many people who use the "he said, she said" method of giving advice.

stop it.:!:

I had also noticed that there are many people who ask for help because they are new at the growing game, and then in comes somebody just as newbish to chime in their "thoughts" rather than facts.:dunce:

stop it.:!:

If you do not know exactly what your talking about, don't give advice, because if you fuck up somebody's grow because your gut told you to throw in your two cents, you shouldnt be here at all.:dunce:


this is a place where many many people come to find answers:idea:.. not guesses.

stop it.:!:

observe, take notes, ask for second opinions, and then try your advice on your own grow before dishing out steaming hot crap to others..



Did one or more of your plants suffer because of some dumbass who didn't know what they were talking about? If so, than I feel for u man :-(