If you're in a non-medical state


Illegal Smile

I'mn in a non medical state and growing more than I need for myself and a few friends. I just like to grow! I don't want to start selling it and have wondered if there is any way to get it into the hands of those who need it, without sticking my head out too far.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'mn in a non medical state and growing more than I need for myself and a few friends. I just like to grow! I don't want to start selling it and have wondered if there is any way to get it into the hands of those who need it, without sticking my head out too far.
Make hash you of it and it will keep forever. Some day it may come in handy.

Grow a vegetable garden; it's very rewarding


Well-Known Member
Better check your local laws first. I'm fairly sure that in non-medical states even giving cannabis away can be considered "distribution" . If LEO really wanted to, they could charge you with distribution just for passing a joint to a friend. You're already sticking your neck out pretty far just by growing, IMHO. Grow enough for yourself and your friends, making sure they don't know where it comes from ;) unless you're 100% sure your pals aren't of the sort that will hand you over to the fuzz for a potential "deal" (which they'll never get with a possession charge, when the most common punishment is a slap on the wrist to begin with!).

I've been arrested for possession a few times, and it always cracks me up when they bring in that one guy who tries to get you to tell him where you got your stash. I tell him the cannabis fairy left it under my pillow =) It's hard to imagine anyone ratting out their dealer over something as trivial as a marijuana possession charge, but I'm sure it happens. LEO can be intimidating, especially to someone with little knowledge of the law and no experience navigating our lovely legal system.

Anyway, I can see where you're coming from. You have this surplus and you'd like it to go to good use. You want to help people, and that's admirable. Just keep in mind that it's people like yourself who usually end up in hot water while the bad guys get a free pass.


Active Member
People (including friends, even thought "close friends") ratting dealers out is very common to be honest. Telling anyone about your grow, especially in a penalty-heavy state, is just plain stupid. The prices are high because it's an illegal drug still, you have to be cafeful and safe.