Ignorant kids give drugs a bad name


Well-Known Member
My buddies kid who is in highschool told him a story that he told to me. The other day the school was having an assembly, in the middle of it a kid passes out and is ceasing (sp) up on the floor. the kid already has to take a monthly drug test for the school but he still thought it would be fine to O.D on xanax. Apparently the kid has a perscription but why do people still have to be so stupid and push it, this is why all drugs including pot get a bad name, because of senseless people. sorry for ranting lol


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. Weed is harmlees the worst youll get outta a bunch of stoners is a drive by pillow fight.


Well-Known Member
kids these days (myself included in the past) took shit too far
me and my friends at one point would smoke an ounce in a day
now since i learned my lesson and matured a little i can put a leash on my use


Well-Known Member
nah it probably woulda chilled him thew fuck out he wouldnt be able to open his eyes enough for them to be rolling around seizing it prolly woulda saved him :hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
man i need some methadone right now

my girl just dumped me

only girl i ever loved

she said its because of all the weed


Well-Known Member
At my high school, there was a bunch of kids who decided it would be a good idea to robotrip on a fieldtrip. They ended up throwing up everywhere and tweaking out, and the bus had to pull over and wait for the ambulance to come. It was hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure most of us did some stupid shit involving drugs in highschool. Ive been to school rolling, trippin on shrooms, spun, drunk...it made school a lot more fun :)


Well-Known Member
At my high school, there was a bunch of kids who decided it would be a good idea to robotrip on a fieldtrip. They ended up throwing up everywhere and tweaking out, and the bus had to pull over and wait for the ambulance to come. It was hilarious.
HaHa.. That would have been a great fieldtrip.

Im pretty sure most of us did some stupid shit involving drugs in highschool. Ive been to school rolling, trippin on shrooms, spun, drunk...it made school a lot more fun :)
So true.. It was ignorant to do things like this, but all of us or the majority have gone to high school under the influence of some kind of drug. When you are that age you really only think about, "How much will this Fuk me up?" But it did always make school sooooooooo much better, except when you get caught high at school, now that sucks.


Well-Known Member
kids these days (myself included in the past) took shit too far
me and my friends at one point would smoke an ounce in a day
now since i learned my lesson and matured a little i can put a leash on my use
why would you smoke an oz in one day? that must have been an all day thing. and i bet your lungs hurt the next day didn't they?


Well-Known Member
why do you think the call it "high" school, they just firgure kids are gonna use drugs to get through lol