IL Growers


im doing somethings in our rich native soil this year... still a lil early to throw out though
yeah, especially with the way our spring has been up and down so far with no steady trend... forecast says lows near freezing again this weekend. At least I should have a chance to put the crew out on the deck tomorrow for a few hours again.



Well-Known Member
yeah, especially with the way our spring has been up and down so far with no steady trend... forecast says lows near freezing again this weekend. At least I should have a chance to put the crew out on the deck tomorrow for a few hours again.
according to the farmers almanac this years last frot in our area will be the 25th of this month.... if you got some bigger clones 6-12 inches they can go out now... this year im doing mostly clones again but when i do seeds outside i like to get them out first week of may just to be sure its warm..... if you got indicas expect to crop in mid/late oct. dont go with long flowering sativas has our season is done by first week nov... its usually wet and cold come halloween with the exception of the last few years with the weathure being all fucked up and unpredictable... hopefully our super lemon hazes will finish in time


yeah, my plan was first week of May as long as the 10 day forecast looks good. I'm not only worried about temps, but want to have some foliage out and about so the critters don't all B-line for 'em. These are from seed, but I've grown Sat-dom strains outdoors here in the past and had a couple good years, couple bad --- roll of the dice.
I'm planting to the north/east side of a small tree line so the light is cut off a little earlier in the evening this time around, hopefully they'll jump into flower a couple weeks earlier. I have a big variety of strains so I'm confident something will produce for me.


Active Member
Have 2 babies indoors about a week old, just got 10 more fem seeds from nirvana today they are germing as we speak.

Past 3 days i have put my 2 babies outside for 1-4 hours at a time to start hardening them up.

Plan to put the first two out in about 2 weeks tops.


2 plans i have growing now are Northern Lights

the fem seeds i just got are 5/AK-48 5/Wonder woman


hey neighbors im over on the river just getting my outdoor garden going. started late last year and failed ....hoping an early start will improve my newb chances. best of luck to every1 ill try and get sum pics up of my babes.


mine seem to just stay babes after planting , could it be not enough sun. they get about 2/3 of the days sunlight good soil. or maybe just a bad bag of seeds ....advice?


mine seem to just stay babes after planting , could it be not enough sun. they get about 2/3 of the days sunlight good soil. or maybe just a bad bag of seeds ....advice?
I'm assuming you're planting in the ground and not containers, yes/no?
I've had the same issue before and have found that it tends to be soil prep... do you dig up the ground a foot or two to loosen it up?, add any amendments?... etc.
No matter how good the surrounding vegetation is & apparent "goodness" of the soil- I've found that it tends to be compacted and needs to be loosened. At the least, some compost or humus needs to be added to keep it that way through the season.


Well-Known Member
What are you guys planning for bugs?

I tried a few different things last year, but got a late start and had a few problems


fetter, yesum planting in the ground i built up 2ft bed with soil hummus and other organic dirt. ive kinda came to the conclusion it was the cold weather as since the begging of may the kids are taking off in the right direction . the wife has even express concern. (anti grower) but nobody's perfect. deal was to plant and let grow naturally outside , guess she didn't realize there a weed and will strive anywhere. lol. but def on the right track now thanks for the tips. still need to get a few pics up once i do any other tips would be appreciated. and bug wise not to sure dont seem to have any bug probs yet.


The kids are finally gonna go outside tonight. I was going to do it last week, but the forecast had a low of 34 for overnight Sunday --- it got down to 33... Looks good for the next 10 days, highs in the 70's, lows mid 50's
Anyone have thoughts on animal deterrents ? I'm gonna be using Hot Pepper Spray, Hair mats ( - anyone used these before ?) and lastly a Bell & Howell electronic repeller ( )


:cry:RIP little ones. 2.5" of rain in 3 hours today after about 2-3" in the last week. Don't think they'll make it as they are now at least a foot under water.


Well-Known Member
:cry:RIP little ones.
They may be ok, they do grow like weeds<g>. Mine are ok and they live in a fairly wet environment

If they are, you may want to start insect control. I found spit bug spittle and some minor chew spots.

I started Neem today


we'll see Bynk - they just might. I went out last night to check and see if anything had a chance. Several were washed away, but 9 out of the 13 are in place, standing up right and may just pull through. I'll go back out in a few days and see what I have.


Knock, Knock ... anyone home--- board's been quiet... How about some updates out there....
As for me, 10 of the 14 I set out have survived the flooding earlier in the month-- starting to recover nicely this week as the weather has gotten better.


Well-Known Member
The bountiful rain has been a mixed blessing. In spite of flooding, cut worms, botrytis and the occasional unidentified chewer, the growth is lush and strong. I'm spraying neem oil after EVERY rain and I've added some baking soda to the solution for fungus control.

MY current problem is providing a second layer of support. I'm using a 2-3 ft diameter wire cage for support and training.

I'd like to set up a 2nd tier cage or horizontal lattice a couple more feet out from/above the cage, but haven't come up with a design I like yet

BTW, that pic (Kush/Black Domina cross) is over 2 weeks old and I've since eviscerated the inner leaves and stalks to open the air flow and fight mold.

