ILGM. is a ripoff

g j

New Member
well lesson learned. been attempting to facilitate a product to recover my initial expense. well i been try’n to since april. 5 outa 5 duds. replaced. took to my buds dad as he is a recognized grower with lights ,house , warm’n pad. 3 puta 5 dudsgrowth was hideous. barely grew 6 in in a month. then it croaked. have new replacement 5 of 5 to plant in july. july. grow season is over. were different lots. now they want me to pay to return. i dont think so, should have approved
articles i read about ilgm‘s issues. they are rippoff artists
I've had nothing but success with auto beans from ILGM. Descent smoke with great yields. I am looking into Mephisto though, because a lot of people here seem to have pretty high regards for their genetics.