Ill plant


Active Member
I hope somebody can help me here. This started happening to one of my plants about two days ago. I have isolated it from the others, which are all healthy and strong. All have been treated exactly the same regarding lighting, fertilization and ventilation. Any help at all would be much appreciated!



Active Member
It's about six weeks...definitely started out as female. Soil Ph and Nitro are excellent levels.


Active Member
They have been very slow. I had them outside until about a week ago...unfortunately, the weather where I live hasn't been very good this summer - way too much rain, cool temps and very little sunlight. I never let rainwater get on them...put them under a glass table during rain and brought them in at night. They are now indoors under CF's. Used the fertilizer that I had 20-20-20, and will get new stuff today. I repotted about four weeks ago.


Active Member
Can't do that yet. It's isolated from my other plants, and I've never lost a plant in my life...always been good with them! I've had my orchids flowering for seven months...african violets blooming all the time...hoyas flowering beautifully! Just can't give up!


Well-Known Member
looks like its flowering and juss going thru a n deficiacny but thats juss me does it have buds on it??? and how much longer till this one is done flowerin?? they look young did u do a 12/12 from start???


Active Member
I've decided to cut it down and let new growth happen...that worked when my cat ate the top off of another plant...that one's doing wonderfully! Right now I'm giving 16/8, and got a couple of proper grow lights to add. Just not getting enough sunlight or heat outdoors this summer, so everything is pretty stunted.
