Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Hi, well I received my card today and went to the dispensary. Greenhouse Group very pricey. I will probably change dispensary to Highland Park or Mundelin. The wait time was 2 mos n 16 days total that's including resubitting my photo. Praying all who waiting on your card get it soon. I got the apple gummies n blissful berry disposal vapor pen $75. Good Luck.
Greenhouse Group don't give free samples for first time patient nor discount for disabilities. The staff was wonderful. The lady who waited on me was high as he'll she falling all over me and she was trying to sit in a chair and fell crazy.
Greenhouse Group don't give free samples for first time patient nor discount for disabilities. The staff was wonderful. The lady who waited on me was high as he'll she falling all over me and she was trying to sit in a chair and fell crazy.
Earth Med has 10% off for Disabled, and I think Clinic does also, PDI does not. I am going to Earth Med for The 420 sale on Friday. PTS Brand is on sale that day. $40 Concentrates. The Disability discount is not for sale items though.
Friend in PA worries about her kids smelling it. Dry herb vaping smells too much for her (I think she was burning it either with too high of a temperature or just going too long judging from discussions). She loves liquid vaping.
Hey Myk How are you? My computer broke about a month ago. That OG18 Ounce lasted me 2 months. 5 bucks a Day, Exactly what I was hoping for. Still prefer concentrates, but was spending double the 5. Plan to Mix them in as a treat 2 days a week.
Hey Myk How are you? My computer broke about a month ago. That OG18 Ounce lasted me 2 months. 5 bucks a Day, Exactly what I was hoping for. Still prefer concentrates, but was spending double the 5. Plan to Mix them in as a treat 2 days a week.

I've figured out I'm definitely Sativa, but still can't get tolerance. I'm pretty sure I could presently get by on a gram a month.

I got my windows 10 laptop running good with added memory so I have plenty of backup computers.
I submitted my application online Friday night but never got my provisional card online. So idk if I submitted something wrong. What will happen now?? Can I make another account and re submit it again?
Hi, well I received my card today and went to the dispensary. Greenhouse Group very pricey. I will probably change dispensary to Highland Park or Mundelin. The wait time was 2 mos n 16 days total that's including resubitting my photo. Praying all who waiting on your card get it soon. I got the apple gummies n blissful berry disposal vapor pen $75. Good Luck.

I drive an Hour to Earth Med because PDI and The Clinic in Mundelein charge so much for Buds. $75 an ounce more.
Greenhouse Group don't give free samples for first time patient nor discount for disabilities. The staff was wonderful. The lady who waited on me was high as he'll she falling all over me and she was trying to sit in a chair and fell crazy.
PDI also does Not offer Discount for Disabled. Earth Med and Clinic in Mundelein do, but remember, this is not for SALE priced items.
The Apple gummy and blissful blueberry disposal vapor is something else. I'm still trying to find the right amount of thc and cbd to control my pain. If anyone has RA and found what works please share so I can try it. I know it's something out here can help me get off of pain meds right now I'm scared to just stop taking them but pills has decrease. Once I flare up it's hard to get control of it.

It is literally impossible for it to be Republicans. Even if there was a Republican governor the Democrats have a veto proof majority in both houses. This is ALL on the Democrats.

What went around before the bill was put up and what was proven in NY is the same corporations we have were signed on to a letter to lawmakers wanting to keep homegrowing out.
The Senator and Representative who have this bill have always been wishy washy about growing, letting it be too well known that they were willing to take it out. That is why they only put up 5 plants instead of 24 to negotiate down to 12 plants.
This is very typical Democrat politics. Make promises you don't plan on providing, and then as you show, blame Republicans for it. Same reason we don't have universal healthcare in spite of Democrat majorities with a Democrat president all making the promise. And yet they blame Republicans for that too.

Also here in IL the corporations wanted to be the only ones to get grow licenses, guess what else they get in this bill? Don't count on any craft growers happening in IL as promised in the future. The corporations will be claimed to be doing a good enough job while we're paying $70/8th.

I hope you remember when it comes time to vote that this is all Democrats doing this.

And BTW, without homegrowing there is nothing legalizing about this bill. Pass a joint to someone, you're a dealer. Give someone a variety you didn't like, you're a dealer. Have a hitter box in your pocket while driving, you've got illegal transportation. Want to buy some weed, go to the same monopolies who still can't keep up with a flood of 3000 new patients they new were coming for 6 months and are using that as an excuse for price increases.
Without homegrowing for patients of more than 5 plants in the recreational bill I do not support this BS.
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