As an aside, I’m planning on staying here in this forum once I finally get my card so I can “pay it forward” to others going thru the process. This thread has been such a great place to both get advice or just vent about how backwards our state is about MMJ. I started watching here in January, before I even had found a doctor yet, and it’s become a daily solace as I wait.
Until they simplify the process or pass recreational laws, we all need support. Especially those in pain. I’ve got a lot of pills to manage my issues during this, but I know there’s some of you out there who literally are suffering with no medication at all. I feel for you, and this thread “gets it” about how such a stupidly long process we have in IL.
Keep this in mind at the voting booth in November. Vote for whoever supports full legalization. Cook County had a non-binding referendum during the primary showing 68% want it legalized completely, and some state officials have said they want it too. Our current governor, though, is a naive ass who would never allow it. So definitely show up to the polls next fall.
Maybe in a couple years, this whole stupid process will be scrapped for something easier. God I hope so.