Thank you for an excellent post. My experiences match yours, and it certainly influences my opinions on the topic, which seem to be similar to yours.
Another fact to add to the discussion: the "P" in MCPP stands for "pilot" (and also for "program" but that's less interesting). This is a test program -- an experiment. It does not offend my sense of justice that we are asked to agree to certain additional rules in exchange for the ability to participate in this test program. Right now, the MCPP is version 1.0 and still in beta testing. I'm ok with a few non-critical bugs while they work on the full rollout version, or upgrade the whole thing with legalization.
It's also pretty clear this license notification was some "carrot" given to LEO to get them onboard with the cannabis program back when it was originally passed. Political support was much less strong back them, so it should surprise no one that the bill actually passed was a patchwork of compromises -- some good, some bad. Sometimes tough compromises are better than making no progress at all.
One last point: We're over here bitching about the license notification requirement, and at the same time there's not a single state bordering Illinois with an operating medical cannabis program. I'm guessing the ten's of thousands of prospective medical cannabis patients in every one of those states would gladly agree to a license notification requirement if it meant getting access to the regulated, tested, safe, and legal product that we enjoy. Just sayin'.