Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Check your online account for provisional access. I was approved Friday or Saturday and out of curiousity I checked if I was granted provisional and to my luck there was a letter to print off!
There's something to print, but it's just the date I applied my name and some numerical number that's it's
Called this morning and my application still has not been processed. 11/13.
I was told I can reapply but the $250 that I paid for the three-year card is non-refundable.

12 WEEKS, 84 Days, not even processed, what a Disgrace. Hate to see you lose that money and go through all the Hassle, you have come so far. But if you can not wait another 2 to 3 weeks, Everyone Understands. Keep Us Posted. Hang in There.
IDPH website has some exciting news for those of us who mailed out applications Dec 1 through Jan 31. We can apply online and they will approve provisional and either void or return the initial mailed payment. So there is some hope for those of us who made the mistake and mailed the application. I will report back tomorrow morning if I got the letter
That’s a kick in the teeth to those that applied in October online and have received nothing and can’t get provisional status...

Oh well I guess...
did u get your qp number? check the idph site if u did. mine changed over night from inactive to 1 step closer and i also applied in october
did u get your qp number? check the idph site if u did. mine changed over night from inactive to 1 step closer and i also applied in october

The only change that has happened was under the application status, it says qualifying patient and that happened in November/December...Under the provisional status it’s empty and I have nothing in the other account tabs...

It’s funny the account says I’m a qualifying patient...

The person answering the phone yesterday said my records were being reviewed by the assistant director Connie Moody. I mean what’s to review they were electronic VA records.

Just a few moments later the supervisor took over the phone call and told the same thing she told me last week, it’s at the Illinois Sec of State? I couldn’t even get three words in and she summarily hung up on me...

So yeah, I don’t know what to do...
I originally applied online 11-13.
After 84 days I decided to bite the bullet and lose the hundred bucks that I paid for the one-year card.
I reapplied yesterday afternoon, being cautious that my doctor's certification did not go over the 90-day limit.
I already have provisional access today.
Tomorrow I will call Chase Bank credit card services and see if there's anything I can do about my other payment.
I thought I had read a few dozen pages back that a Visa merchant has a limited amount of days to provide a service for which you've been charged.
Probably a slim chance of recovering my money but I'm still going to try