Well-Known Member
Just a couple more to think about, the drug store can afford to 'give' you a gift card for switching your presripton to them and loyaly rewards, we have add that give you atta boy for knowing how many prescription you take and that that pink pill really has a name, and this is health care, don't go see your Doctor, he doesn't have the time, he like the guy from ( insert the name of every drug company ) and he tells you to call if you notice anything. One of the major arguments you will see from 'Medical Professionals is that MJ is not that strong of a pain reliever. Ok, if it stop the fugging pain better who cares, you will also say there are legal drugs that work as well, WHAT. the media lets them get away with this, work as well shit. Every child diagnosed as add or adhd means your school gets more federal money and the drug companies get a patient for life, MJ is better for them. Did you know the drugs they are given changes their brains forever. Did you know all of the multiple killings had a drug variety in common, forgot what it is, I think its in the catagory of Paxil, its that short term memory thing. Wal-Mart can afford to fill your prescription for $4.00 and if you really can't afford certain generic drugs the benevolent drug companies will provide them for free. You can go on the net and fill out forms for the drugs you get. ANd they have the nerve to call it Health Care, its fugging sick care and if you don't have it yet we will invent it. Last night I heard a commercial say one in 5 has genitle herpes and doesn't know it, talk about a scare tactic, my crotch has been ithcing all day. The drugs of today kill people. except one, well caffine is pretty low too. And more people are addicted too those drugs then to the illicit drugs. The only one used by more folks is Marijuana and the United Nations is saying the US needs to rethink their drug policies. VV