

Well-Known Member
yes but it still needs voted on and aproved by the gov... very good news because iowa and missouri are trying the same thing illinois is trying at this very moment in time


Well-Known Member
fuck ya i live in illinois and im all game for this lol how long before it wud get passed if it made it?


New Member
I'm in IL too, but don't get too excited yet. It has passed the House panel, now it still has to pass the Senate panel, then it has to pass the full House and the full Senate and then make it past the Governer.

We're getting there. Has everyone contacted their representatives ?


Well-Known Member
what are the dates that they are going to these committees?
i'm not sure when the senate committee will/have to vote on it before it goes to the full senate for debate/vote.

The house, i think, has until may 22 to debate before a vote is required. (i think)