Iloveskywalkerog's AMA


Well-Known Member

We all know Skywalker will never accomplish anything in life other than being a burden on society
I never understood how someone can say something like this to somebody without feeling like bad karma is coming their way, i'll tell you what explain to me how I will never accomplish anything in life but being a burden on society.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that he should not worry about you, me, or RIU when he has more important things he should be focused on right now. He is at a fork in the road, one path will take him to being a responsible and productive adult and the other path with take him down a long dark lonely road.

Focus skywalker, stop being a young punk. Man up and do
something that will benefit you
for the rest of your life. Go to school or the military "with the
KID! Son of a bitch!"
Everything that you think about me is wrong I don't have time for school, it seems like you think I just sit around all day. Have you not seen posts from other threads where I clearly stated I support myself ?


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck you guys always blame us for this site going down
the drain, when really pretty much everyone contributed, this site going downhill was the reason I made the sockpuppets.