I'm A Lucky Kid Living Amongst Ignorance

Hey rollitup, it's great to be here! I'm impressed at how big the community has grown, and I look forward to the advice and words I'll hear by having an account here.

A little about myself: I reside along the bible belt of America, where republicans reign free and ignorance is common. My parents understand the taboo against smoking, and that is VERY rare where I live. I'm allowed to smoke as long as it's responsible, but here there is severe judgement against people who smoke, so most of my posts will probably be about the social workings between smokers and the people who don't.

I've been smoking about once a day for a few months, and I enjoy the stress-relief it provides for my hectic life. I can't wait to get to know some of you guys, and I look forward to some awesome nug-porn. :-P

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I know all to well of what you speak.. the bible belt ideals will die within a few generations of people. The south has always been run by mis-information and the age of media is changing that.


Well-Known Member
You will never insult someone into agreeing with you.

So with your condescending attitude, I doubt you will be persuasive at convincing all those poor, 'ignorant' people the folly of cannabis prohibition.

By the way; there are plenty of non-Republicans, including Democrats, against cannabis use, too. ;-)


Well-Known Member
You will never insult someone into agreeing with you.

So with your condescending attitude, I doubt you will be persuasive at convincing all those poor, 'ignorant' people the folly of cannabis prohibition.

By the way; there are plenty of non-Republicans, including Democrats, against cannabis use, too. ;-)
Whats with the hostility? This kid gave a warm introduction and you pay him back by being condescending? By the way. Bush was the worst president EVER since Nixon. "We WILL find you and we WILL put you in jail" -Nixon regarding the war on drugs

think about that next time you enjoy a bowl or grow something. Johnny-O oh oooohhhh...


Hi folks, im new to this site and doing my first grow so im here looking for help. I thought i would start here with PuffingOrangeCrush since he's putting himself out there :) I think PuffinOrangeCrush's parents are very understanding by showing they trust him/you, its up to Puffin to honour that trust :) Checking out the cannabis culture is a great way to learn about what your smoking and that your not alone even tho you live in an anti-smoking enviroment.


Well-Known Member
Whats with the hostility? This kid gave a warm introduction and you pay him back by being condescending? By the way. Bush was the worst president EVER since Nixon. "We WILL find you and we WILL put you in jail" -Nixon regarding the war on drugs

think about that next time you enjoy a bowl or grow something. Johnny-O oh oooohhhh...
You call that hostile? LOL!

I made an observation based on the attitude the OP displayed.

In other words, I was giving the "kid" (now that's condescending!) some advice.

Disagreement is not a sign of ignorance.

Perhaps you should switch to decaf. :-P

Here's another observation: Obama is the worst President since Carter.

And that's quite an accomplishment. :clap:



Politicking on a marijuana forum.

Lets not rag on this dude, I am in the EXACT same situation, except my family got tired of republican retards and are moving to Switzerland with me in school in Chicago.

OP: I feel you bro, just keep on trucking, and get your ass out of there. It was the best decision I ever made XD
I THINK ALL REPUBLICANS ARE FOOLS. Are you happy johnnyorangic? Haha I don't really feel that way, but I also don't feel that there needs to be an argument started on my welcome thread. I'm only looking for good vibes, johnny is just trying to bring me down. I'm severely stoned so that sounded good. I love these forums. :)


Well-Known Member
I THINK ALL REPUBLICANS ARE FOOLS. Are you happy johnnyorangic? Haha I don't really feel that way, but I also don't feel that there needs to be an argument started on my welcome thread. I'm only looking for good vibes, johnny is just trying to bring me down. I'm severely stoned so that sounded good. I love these forums. :)
Welcome man! Roll it up is a special community, largely because of the diversity you've already seen. Lots of great growers here though, and plenty to learn from!


Well-Known Member
I THINK ALL REPUBLICANS ARE FOOLS. Are you happy johnnyorangic? Haha I don't really feel that way, but I also don't feel that there needs to be an argument started on my welcome thread. I'm only looking for good vibes, johnny is just trying to bring me down. I'm severely stoned so that sounded good. I love these forums. :)
The thread title caught my my eye. I could give a rat's ass which forum it which it is located.

It was provocative so I responded. Anybody who does not like it can kiss my Conservative ass.

Anyway, as this is a welcome thread: Welcome!