Im a New Grower

Hey, Im a new grower. Im looking to grow maby one plant at a time. Im 19 and i still live with my Parents and go to school. What are so good tips. Also I Already have a grow box planned out. And I Live in the US and im looking for a good site to buy seeds off of. Incase my friend can't get any to me. Well just give me some tips thanks. bongsmilie:weed:


Well-Known Member
I live in the US as well and ordered seeds just one time, but it was earlier this month. I went with The Single Seed Centre as they let you order as few seeds as you like, even just one seed. I received my order in 9 days. If you want, you can pay them extra to have it sent as registered mail and then they will guarantee delivery, but I had mine shipped as cheaply as possible. They also offer a great variety to choose from. I also notice a lot of people on this forum seem to like Nirvana, but I haven't tried them myself.


Well-Known Member
i to order form single seed "" and they got nirvana seeds on there. but guess by your parent situation the best stealth grow seed out there is low ryder. my advice try the brand new lowryder #2 x ak-47


Well-Known Member
Yeah, think of security before you start growing. Make sure it locks, you can mask the smell, and the light won't leak out to much unless your parents are cool with you growing.
Yeah, think of security before you start growing. Make sure it locks, you can mask the smell, and the light won't leak out to much unless your parents are cool with you growing.
Alright man thanks, Yeah i Just made a small grow box out of two cardboard boxes. Pretty cheap but il probably find a better way. And Yeah I was thinking of getting maybe 4 air fresheners, two on the inside, 2 on the outside. Im going to put the box in my closet. Also how do people get those fluorescent lights hooked up to there box? a System of cords? or battery powered. Any who, i would get the seed from my friend but he's not sure if he can get them, and for some reason he is going to stop smoking fro about a month because he smoked a ounce with his brother, Popper tripple CC's and passed out. now he is all freaked out. THats why im looking for some internet safe seeds. Oh well thanks for the help. Hope i didn't boor the hell out of you with this huge ass paragraph. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
On the air fresheners, if you were thinking of using the type that sprays chemical into the air (which are the most effective), I have to advise to not put them on the inside of the grow box. The chemical will get on the leaves and the worst outcome is that it could kill the plants. A probable outcome is that it would reduce yield and reduce potency. A definate outcome is that your smoke will taste like crap. As far as your lights go, they will need to much power to use batteries. I use cfls and have a series of small lamps. If you have room, that would be your best option. If you don't have room for lamps and your handy at building stuff, you might consider going somewhere such as Ace Hardware and purchasing some light sockets, attaching them to a small piece of wood or something, and wiring them to power cords. I am no electrician so I can't really help much on this but BE CAREFUL! Electricity is a real bitch if you don't respect it.:wall: If you decide to order seeds.... I noticed another poster suggesting AK-47 and I definately don't mean to contradict him as I love the choice (it is a small, fast growing, very potent strain), but it is also among the strongest smelling plants while being grown. If you search around at the seed stores you can find some strains that have low odor while growing and it sounds like that might be better for you. :leaf: -Peace and good luck to you


Well-Known Member
well buy nirvana seeds from single seed centre there cheap...also make sure you have some kind of odor control cuz one plant will smell...if i were you since your living in your parents home i would 12 /12 from seed to keep the plant small and save you some kind of money on buyin veg bulbs
well buy nirvana seeds from single seed centre there cheap...also make sure you have some kind of odor control cuz one plant will smell...if i were you since your living in your parents home i would 12 /12 from seed to keep the plant small and save you some kind of money on buyin veg bulbs
Alright, Im Probably just going to grow one plant at a time. And with Air fresheners
I ment like the little one you just put on the counter and they make the room smell nice. With out spray and such. Either that or the plug in ones. Any way i was talking to some one on youtube. and they Suggested a plant named "Lowryder" and they said it didnt have a big smell. Also if this adds anything, my parents dont suspect, or know I smoke weed.