Im a newbie and my leaves reflect that please help

Ok so im a newb to this game my plants are about 4-5 weeks old and i dont have alot of knowledge on this but to me my plants look alittle messed up my buddy frequents this site often telling me how smart all u fine good looking people are so if you could please help this newbie id appreciate it alot ill attach a pic below.. is there anything wrong with these guys and if so what and how can i fix it



Well-Known Member
Get some more perlite into your soil,reminder young plants don't need much If any nutes at all. I'd recommend some calmag or magical as well .


Well-Known Member
has been hit with a full regimen including cal/mag...and perlite is def not the problem lol....anyone actually know what caused this??? and hey police add a pic of the whole plant so ppl can see how big and see how the new growth looks, because from those pics it looks like i already fixed the problem ;) newer growth is looking nice from what i see on those


Active Member
are you checking ph of the water after you add your nutes? alot of new growers make the mistake of not checking ph


Well-Known Member
hey scrap dont you know mostly all nute regimens these days are ph balanced?? i disagree with you most new growers over check the ph and psyche themselves out ive NEVER had ph be my problem!!! especially in soil which is also ph balanced...


Well-Known Member
seriously guys 148 views and noone knows what caused the above issue?? let me help here it was one of a few things or a combo of...needed nutes (which has since been done) low humidity, heat stress..if you say it needed nutes then please elaborate on exactly what it was lacking....


Well-Known Member
You have a magnesium deficiency and very very hot leaves. They curl at the edges like that when they are trying to transpire because of high temps and low humidity coupled with watering wrong. This can cause deficiencies because if the plant cannot transpire it cannot uptake nutrients and starts to take them from the leaves. Get the temp down, the humidity between 50 and 70% and make sure there is air flow circulating in there, not whipping the plants around but stirring up the air really nice. Water only with water ph'd between 6.5-7.0 and make sure you only water when the pot is light and water enough to where you get plenty of runoff out the bottoms of the pots. Also make sure your light is at the proper distance from the top of the plant. This should fix your problems. Affected leaves will stay the same, new growth will be nice and green/healthy. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
yay a real answer from a non dipshit!!!!! you have confirmed everything i thought accept that i didnt know which nute was causing that and my buddy was having a hard time convincing me it was heat related because ive never had a heat problem under i thought it was his damn dehumidifyer causing it...i think we are both in agreeance that it could have been a combo of both...all has already been corrected though, turned the dehumidifier up a bit, raised the lights a bit, and hit em with their first nute regimen so should do it huh?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
oh pockets also wondering your views on this then....ive been through about 5 grows and during the first i had a little n def problem and read up online...i was pointed immediately at ph, now personally with what ive learned since then ph is almost NEVER the problem in soil...a the nutes are ph balanced and b your soil will act as a buffer if your water is slightly off....would you agree that ph in soil at least, is the problem say ohhh...1-5 percent of the time and less if you know what your doing?? granted someone could be using some real jacked water but overall using tap water that has sat out to evaporate and is within the proper range?? i say this because ive personally never thrown my ph off and it seems like something a beginner does or a hydro grower


Well-Known Member
The only time you will run into ph problems when your soil is right and your water is right is when you use too much fertilizer too often. It will lead to salt buildups and lower the ph of the soil. It can cause leaves to yellow, claw, and cause necrosis if not treated because the ph is out of range for the nutrients to be taken in by the roots. Low ph will show itself as a deficiency of some sort because of this. The only thing that can prevent this is regular ph testing of soil and runoff, or making sure you have garden lime mixed in with your soil which acts as a buffer. If its a ph problem because of the water being off then it can be fixed by top dressing with lime, if its low ph because of salt buildup flushing is the only solution really. I would say...with what I have come across on here with people claiming ph problems, simply using less nutes and watering with plenty of runoff usually does the trick. If you are using top notch soil made for growing cannabis you will rarely run into problems with ph. Most of the real ph problems are from soil bought at your local store like miracle grow which is acidic to begin with because of all the damn bark and twigs in it.


Well-Known Member
I would say...with what I have come across on here with people claiming ph problems, simply using less nutes and watering with plenty of runoff usually does the trick. If you are using top notch soil made for growing cannabis you will rarely run into problems with ph. Most of the real ph problems are from soil bought at your local store like miracle grow which is acidic to begin with because of all the damn bark and twigs in it.
my thoughts exactly!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so im a newb to this game my plants are about 4-5 weeks old and i dont have alot of knowledge on this but to me my plants look alittle messed up my buddy frequents this site often telling me how smart all u fine good looking people are so if you could please help this newbie id appreciate it alot ill attach a pic below.. is there anything wrong with these guys and if so what and how can i fix it
i'd help you out buddy but you seem to be a puppet account and your buddy is an assclown. good luck though if this isn't kermit posting his own plant problems using another account and then talking to himself in his own thread. lmao...


Well-Known Member
na i know you do that because of that one night with the seebeedee lost iphone thing...but i honestly only use one profile EVER on this site i dont see a point in making more than one i can say and do everything i need to just with this one believe me or dont i can care less but one bit of proof is that ive been a member for what 4 years here?! and i have only a thousand posts now does that sound like a troll to you??... this is legit its a buddy of mine that wouldnt believe my opinions on his issues i instructed him to make a profile on here so that i could chime in and steal the thread :D since i knew he wouldnt be real active anyway but at least he can come and check what ppl have said....he was just meandering for answers before this and going on sites like high times and weedmag or something i told him those sites are likely just a bunch of stupid kids and to come here where ppl actually can grow....


Well-Known Member
plus if i had just created the new profile why would i come right away and say...oh your buddy sounds smart you should listen to him and dumb shit like that...its because i was giving my REAL friend crap lol