Im a newbie and want some help


Active Member
hey guys im new to this website. just read a couple of threads and thought they were great. now iv only just got my first plant and iv watched a couple of youtube videos on how to grow it etc etc..... iv no idea how old my plant is i can only assume about 3 weeks most likely and its about 2-3 maybe 4 inches tall. ok so the problem is im just not sure if its healthy because the leaves are going a bit brown on the ends and the leaves are drooping. the stem and the rest of the plant looks healthy tho. the way im growing it is on a timed light from 5am till 9am then moving it outside until 6pm then light again until about 11pm. feeding it good stuff and not over watering. it may be perfectly healthy i just want a little guidance from somebody a bit more experienced




Active Member
too young to be feeding it anything except water. maybe a deficiancy. get a fan on them they look very weak the stems that is. half a t spoon of epsom salt to a litre of water then just water for a few weeks plus more light much more


Active Member
iv only got a small halogen light set up not sure if its powerful enough or whether i am actually damaging it? do you think i may have overwatered?