I'm about 2 take a shit


i dont even know how you manage to shit while your stoned OP..

Its weird ... I sometimes really need a shit before blazing . . I blaze . Then after im high i dont need a shit anymore .

Anyone else get this lol ?


Well-Known Member
i dont even know how you manage to shit while your stoned OP..

Its weird ... I sometimes really need a shit before blazing . . I blaze . Then after im high i dont need a shit anymore .

Anyone else get this lol ?
not i. i like getting high WHILE pooping. yeahhh buddy


Well-Known Member
lol, no, weed gives me the shits...then I take my laptop to the long drop to surf this site (it's close to the router too)...about 17% of my posts are done whist dropping logs.


RIU Bulldog
Using the laptop while high and on the throne? Now I'm confused. is that "logging on" or "logging off"? cn
that was good

My favorite poop is the huge one first thing in the morning. Reminds you you're alive...
Except now that it's winter it's fucking freezing!
The worst shit is the combination drunken vomit+shit where you're holding the trash can while you're on the john.




Well-Known Member
We can add yet one more layer to this confection if one of the multitaskers gets wood. cn
Sooo, in relation to one of your earlier posts "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" i dont know, but once that woodchuch gnawed on my log, that woodchuck would of bawled...


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever shit so big that it makes ur ass hole bleed ? I hate them shits, Or the ones you wipe 6 times and still no shit on the paper, makes ya look at the turd to make sure it fell out ur ass and that you did not dream it...Or the one where you have to jump in the shower because you wiped 100 times and still getting poooo on the paper........damn it ... best ones are where ya fart and shit ur self ...I love them...esp when sitting naked on the couch and shit the couch


Well-Known Member
Or the cheep shit paper and ur finger breaks through and end up pickin ur nose wondering where the shit smell come from


Ursus marijanus
Sooo, in relation to one of your earlier posts "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" i dont know, but once that woodchuch gnawed on my log, that woodchuck would of bawled...
You're using the sharp end of the woodchuck? Flip it, so you'll be doing the "bawlin'". Chuck that varmint some wood! cn