I'm about to panic. Plz help. (pics)


Well-Known Member
It's been two days since I flushed my girl with the same RO water I've used thoughout her life. Yesterday, before the lights shut off for 12 hours I checked up on her and her leaves looked fine (perhaps just a tad droopy from the flush), but today I wake up and I find this on what were her healthiest looking fan leaves. Nothing has changed as far as lighting and ventilation..it's the same as it has been all throughout flower. Temps are 80°F and humidity is 35%. The damaged spots are crispy. I sprayed some water on the leaves to try and re-hydrate them hopefully.

Is this a PH problem? Root rot? Please help....she's so close to harvest and I don't want to have to chop her early. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I Dont really know, sorry. But if i had to make a guess i wanna say, mabye there just recovering from the flush, to much water or something. I'd also imagine seems plants need photosynthesis to grow and stay green , Mabye lack of CO2?? Theres an excellent guide on here for making your own co2 dispensers.


Well-Known Member
how many days are you into flowering?
if your growing with soil the ph level should be about 6.5
never spray the leafs on a plant if your using HPS and HID lights ( correct me if I'm wrong)


Well-Known Member
I really doubt lack of CO2 os the issue. I check on that plant several times a day and the room gets fresh air circulated from outside (open window) at least once a day.

It's amazing how something can go from good to bad in just 12 hours. :cry:

how many days are you into flowering?
if your growing with soil the ph level should be about 6.5
never spray the leafs on a plant if your using HPS and HID lights ( correct me if I'm wrong)
I'm 49 days into flowering. I'm using CFL's.

I would flush again with distilled if I was sure it was a PH problem, but I have no way to test PH. I hope not to flush again because my soil drains ok, but still retains a lot of water and takes over a week to feel even close to dry. I would hate to get root rot (if I don't already). I'm so worried now.

If anyone needs more back info, and pics from a few days ago, you can check my other thread. https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/57700-my-first-grow-how-am.html


Well-Known Member
I really doubt lack of CO2 os the issue. I check on that plant several times a day and the room gets fresh air circulated from outside (open window) at least once a day.

It's amazing how something can go from good to bad in just 12 hours. :cry:

I'm 49 days into flowering. I'm using CFL's.

I would flush again with distilled if I was sure it was a PH problem, but I have no way to test PH.
have long should it take your plant from start to harvest? because I calculated your on about week 7


Well-Known Member
Well, i was jus sayin, A little more CO2 couldnt hurt anything, and it would help stimulate the Photosynthesis. Which in turn could help rebuild the damage, you'd think anyways...


Well-Known Member
have long should it take your plant from start to harvest? because I calculated your on about week 7
That is where I'm uncertain. This is an unknown strain from bagseed. I've just been checking trichs and hair color daily to tell how long I've got.

Trichs are about 60% milky, 30% clear, and 10% amber. I was going to give her another 2 weeks before the chop. She's got about 25% red hairs.

Looks to be a phosphorous deficiency.
She was fed 15-30-15 until the flush. I also use molasses every watering. I'm stumped.

Well, i was jus sayin, A little more CO2 couldnt hurt anything, and it would help stimulate the Photosynthesis. Which in turn could help rebuild the damage, you'd think anyways...
At this point I'll try anything if it will help. Thanks for your input. :)


Active Member
your plant is focusing most of its energy into the flowers its normal for leaves to turn yellow while flowering.


Well-Known Member
your plant is focusing most of its energy into the flowers its normal for leaves to turn yellow while flowering.
That I was expecting. This is more of turning dark grey and severe claw leaf, followed by shrivel. Those spots on the 3rd pic show it best.

Perhaps you may be right though and I am overreacting. This is afterall my first grow.

This is how it looked just before lights out yesterday (ignore the burn spot on the lower bud..that was a slight mishap with the lights). Same leaf as pic one in the first post. I should also mention that the lower fan leaves aren't experiencing this, just the ones near the top.



Well-Known Member
i have this EXACT same issue with my bagseed plants, I can't figure out what the problem is. So I'm getting rid of it, i started with 5 different bagseeds (completely random, not from same bag). I had 2 males, and the 2 hermies, and 1 true female (the plant the is doing the same thing as yours). my plant starts doing this at about 4 weeks flowering and continues until finished. by the end though, about all leaves look like yours. can't be normal to have all leaves looking like that when you harvest.


Well-Known Member
i have this EXACT same issue with my bagseed plants, I can't figure out what the problem is. So I'm getting rid of it, i started with 5 different bagseeds (completely random, not from same bag). I had 2 males, and the 2 hermies, and 1 true female (the plant the is doing the same thing as yours). my plant starts doing this at about 4 weeks flowering and continues until finished. by the end though, about all leaves look like yours. can't be normal to have all leaves looking like that when you harvest.

I agree..that's what has me worried. From browsing this site for hours at a time I can tell this is not the normal way leaves usually get when they're using up the last of their nutes before harvest...and definately not in just 12 hours.

Does it still smoke ok for you after a harvest?


Well-Known Member
Does it still smoke ok for you after a harvest?
well, i havn't had one that didn't get pollinated to shit from the hermies.

I should have one in a couple weeks that will not have many seeds. So i'll have to try that, but the one I just got isn't bad, gets me stoned. I didn't expect very much out of it though, just cause it was all pollinated and bagseed. I'm just trying to get them all out of there right now cause I got some dutch passion's Skunk #1 waiting till these are done. I can't wait to start my skunk