lol shit head if we met I would punch you in the FACE, then drink a beer with you and cook us some good shit. You'd forgive me and even ask for me to punch you again so you can get some more of my awesome buttsex... er I mean foodOK, damn it, this looks bomb as fuck, I hate you less and less, but only because I'm going to try and butter you up to get some of dat shit right there. BTW Happy Birthday<--see what I did there, buttered!View attachment 3381204
I posted in the confession thread, No, she passed out on me. I thought about jerking off on her butt cheeks, but then I thought "well hell, I'd end up having to clean it off" so I slammed a couple more beers and then passed out with her.Did you ever tag that booty hole?
she passed out lolDid you ever tag that booty hole?
@GrowUrOwnDank said something about me and my obsession with ass play so I had to revive my butt secks thread just for him
yeah, she asked what I wanted for my birthday to which I repliedYeah, did you? I knew you weren't starting the last one out on the good foot with all that yummy, loagie steak.
Edit: that was days ago @Gary Goodson You go make her bootie sing.
It was like a week ago so I've already flipped it up and rubbed it down, just not that night.what a fantastic thread! happy birthday!
get that ass!!
It was like a week ago so I've already flipped it up and rubbed it down, just not that night.
Took my girl to fucking Paris for our honeymoon... that was the deal... Paris... butt sex.Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes.
@HoLE I still have about 8-9 beers from yesterday so I'm about to get started again. My birthday celebration last till this weekend!
And for the record I missed my target... She passed out
Took my girl to fucking Paris for our honeymoon... that was the deal... Paris... butt sex.
Paris, London, Vienna, Rome, Venice, back to London........... still no butt sex.
To all single men, never get married, its the only time someone can use false advertising, and bait and switch, while making false claims........ and you can't do anything about it.
GFs give blowjobs. Wives get the dick wet for a few seconds.
GFS do anal. Wives schedule sex like a chore, or allowance.
GFs fuck in multiple positions, places, and styles... Wives lay there and allow you to fuck them.
Been 3 damn years and I am still witing for her to make good on her end of the deal... And after just shy of 14 years of faithful monogamy, I fucking feel like I earned reward, ya know? Chicks don't get how easy it is to cheat, or how strong the desire can be, men deserve a pat on the back for remaining monogamous, (against all nature tell them....)