im at 8 weeks one more then harvest

the widowman

Well-Known Member
1 flush if its not organic nutes.
2 chop the plants at mid afternoon when resin is rising
3 dry for 14 days until dry
4 then store in containers for 2 months


Well-Known Member
2 months!!!!!!!!!!??????? holly shit!!!! i would like to smoke this some time soon not 2 months later!!!!


Well-Known Member
haha 14 days to dry man thats a lil harsh.
take some time with ur bud, trim em up, hang em. itl take about 2-3 days to dry


Well-Known Member
ok so hang for 2 weeks dont cut any leave. then after 2 weeks cut fan leaves let dry for 2-3 days. then cut up the bud and put them in a air tight container and let sit for a week??????? thats like 4 weeks to even try to smoke my bud good god why does it take soooooooo long!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
ok so hang for 2 weeks dont cut any leave. then after 2 weeks cut fan leaves let dry for 2-3 days. then cut up the bud and put them in a air tight container and let sit for a week??????? thats like 4 weeks to even try to smoke my bud good god why does it take soooooooo long!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
actually i bet that would make your buds a lot juicier. the smell would probly be more potent n the taste amazing
give it a shot! why not?

n i prefer to use jars:hump: they work perfectly:joint:


Well-Known Member
yea i have mason jars i was going to use. it just seams like a very long time before i even get to try it :( i want to smoke it so bad!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well if you want
just clipping the buds real nice off the whole plant works amazing too.
after curing, you won't be complaining what so ever!
i mean my buds tasted good after 3 days of drying, but after 3 weeks of curing. DAMNNNNNNN


Well-Known Member
Hehe yeh seems a long time, i dry for a week and then start smoking it straight away as long as it smokes. Put the rest in jars an it'll jus get better as time goes on. Tbh tho you will see a big difference after 2 weeks of curing, if u can hold out for as long as possible. You'll get some nice scissor hash from the trimming, an you could always try making some hash with ur trimmings.


Well-Known Member
If your plant has any size to it? Read up and try a couple of diffrent ways. I did that this year and water thing and turned out great and seems to be a lil faster. After I took it out of the water it took about twenty hours to dry. That way you can try something new. Good luck


Well-Known Member
water curing???? what im confused what is water thing bonez??? i will try to wait as long as i can but we will see. ill have to hide it and try to forget about it


Active Member
people are hilarious. there is no need to dry your bud for 2 months...IF u want to smoke it!! you decide....jeezus its only a plant.....they grow and die outside all day long by themselves!! Dry it for a 3-4 days, throw it in a jar, and when u feel like it...smoke it!