I'm at a crossroad in my life. (unemployment, etc)


Well-Known Member
You should grow your "dope" (I love how you Canadians say dope, I'm not trying to be offensive), and save enough money to move to Vancouver. Every grows "dope" in Vancouver, and it is the only city that I have been that I can imagine moving to in a heart beat.


King Tut
why don't you grow, collect unemployment, and look for a job you like all at the same time??
I agree totally. I live in Cali and have been on either unemployment or partial unemployment for almost 2 years. When I first lost my job, I took a 1 month "vacation" and volunteered at my son's school. Stopped smoking bud(for a year and a half) so I could get a job, no worries.

Applied, applied, applied. No luck. 4 months ago I said to myself "Self, you have a medical card, grow good veggies, and if you have some surplus, you can get rid of it legally at a dispensary. Started grow #1! I'm on grow 2 and starting 3 right now. NO profits yet @ ALL. Been collecting from the state the whole time. Now, once I get my tent and can up my runs to 30-40 plants, I will realize some profit. WHEN I do though, I will claim the income so I don't draw any extra attention from the IRS.

Right now I am taking care of myself and two patient. All on my dime. They are friends in need (Aren't we ALL with this economy!?) and as long as I don't run MYSELF short of medicine, the rest is theirs for the taking.


Well-Known Member
i think your main priority should be getting your college education. look into government grants or loans that are available to you. growing weed and low paying factory jobs are not a means to progress your quality of life. if you get an education you can develop a career or at least a higher skilled higher paying job. for now i would collect EI, start a moderate sized grow and start looking at how you can get an education.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
why don't you grow, collect unemployment, and look for a job you like all at the same time??

Don't just quit all sources of income and go for one. Try and keep as much going on as possible. Keep looking for a job and collecting unemployment until either A. You get a job you can stay in for a while, or B. You get a GOOD grow setup, running perpetual, with some GOOD connections to work your grow though. Even then you may want to keep a job.

It all depends on the jobs your working at. FUCK minimum wage for 40 hours a week though. Grow dope instead of that. That is hell on earth.

Good luck sir :leaf: