Im coughin up black shit and my chest really hurts. anyone else have this?


Active Member
Hey people, not a growing question this time but I think RIU is the best place to ask this:
Im 23 and recently Ive started coughing up a lot of tar in my phlem (one time there was red/orange specs; blood?) Im on my 3rd day of no weed whatsoever and my chest hurts more than ever and my phlem seems to contain more tar then when I was smoking. Whats going on? How long will this last? Am I dying? lol


Well-Known Member
i use to cough up black shit when i smoked like 2 boxes of dutches a day but after i cut back it stoped but it never had red in it i would get checked out


Active Member
How much were you smoking? Cigarettes or just weed?

We obviously cannot diagnose what your problem is over the internet, it could be a lot of things. My roommate was coughing up a lot of shit, even some blood, went to the doctor, they told him he had the same cough as a lot of people in this city (San Francisco). My guess is you probably have some sort of lung infection.


Active Member
Go see a doctor man! I haven't heard of people coughing up tar from smoking weed, unless it is a plant a day kinda thing hahaha I dunno. Are you smoking ciggies aswell?? But yeah man go see a doc, I got mates who cough up black shit, but they are cigarette smokers.


Well-Known Member
I get some occasional 'grey' in the flem usually the the next morning after heavy smoking. I've noticed when u stop smoking for a couple days it seems to be even worse as your lungs pull that stuff out and try to get rid of it. a little grey, wouldn't worry about it, black or red, sounds like a problem to me.


That is your body telling you that you are putting more tar into your lungs than your cilia (small hair-like projections from cells) are able to move out. Quit smoking for a few days/week and you should clear up. I mean, its not like crack where you HAVE to have a hit. Just let your body recover. I've got a buddy that had basically chronic bronchitis for a MONTH because he wouldn't stop smoking. If he would have quit smoking for a week, he would have fully recovered. Instead, he kept trying to smoke every day and consistently coughed so hard that it caused him pain. Wanna be like that?


Active Member
That is your body telling you that you are putting more tar into your lungs than your cilia (small hair-like projections from cells) are able to move out. Quit smoking for a few days/week and you should clear up. I mean, its not like crack where you HAVE to have a hit. Just let your body recover. I've got a buddy that had basically chronic bronchitis for a MONTH because he wouldn't stop smoking. If he would have quit smoking for a week, he would have fully recovered. Instead, he kept trying to smoke every day and consistently coughed so hard that it caused him pain. Wanna be like that?
I am like that man. I smoke about half pack-full pack of cigarettes per day, and used to smoke an eigth a day of weed on top of that. Ive recently had ALL my weed get moldy and had to throw it out. (I was smoking moldy weed daily for about a week before I realized it was moldy! YIKES. I havent smoked in 4 days and I stopped coughing up shit but my chest really hurts all the time; feels very tight like its expanding but my ribs are resisting (I know thats not possible its just what it feels like) Im kind of scared to be honest. Gonna see a doctor but that wont be for about a week since Im moving across the country tomorrow. Thanks for your comments everyone.



Im not going to feed you a bunch of BS nor am I trying to alarm you but you need to get this checked out IMMEDIATELY!

Id prefer not disclose much about myself online...PLEASE, listen to me, I know what I am talking about when it comes to medicine and have a degree and 12 years of direct patient care experience in emergency and critical care medicine.

This could be very serious!

You have been (possibly/probably) inhaling fungi spores (mould)- You have a productive cough (coughing up black tinged sputum)- you have blood tinged sputum- you have chest pain

Could this be nothing? Probably.

Could this be serious? Indeed it could.

Could this be fatal? Potentially (outside chance but do you want to risk it?)

It is this simple:
Go to a Doctor, Tell you Doctor everything, EVERYTHING!!!!!! You Dr has NO responsibility to tell the Police that you are a recreational MJ user. It would actually be a violation of your HIPPA rights to tell anybody not directly involved in your care. So dont stress being ratted out.

You need to have this evaluated by a Doctor. Please, go to your Dr. Make an appointment now, if for no other reason than peace of mind


Active Member

Im not going to feed you a bunch of BS nor am I trying to alarm you but you need to get this checked out IMMEDIATELY!

Id prefer not disclose much about myself online...PLEASE, listen to me, I know what I am talking about when it comes to medicine and have a degree and 12 years of direct patient care experience in emergency and critical care medicine.

This could be very serious!

You have been (possibly/probably) inhaling fungi spores (mould)- You have a productive cough (coughing up black tinged sputum)- you have blood tinged sputum- you have chest pain

Could this be nothing? Probably.

Could this be serious? Indeed it could.

Could this be fatal? Potentially (outside chance but do you want to risk it?)

It is this simple:
Go to a Doctor, Tell you Doctor everything, EVERYTHING!!!!!! You Dr has NO responsibility to tell the Police that you are a recreational MJ user. It would actually be a violation of your HIPPA rights to tell anybody not directly involved in your care. So dont stress being ratted out.

You need to have this evaluated by a Doctor. Please, go to your Dr. Make an appointment now, if for no other reason than peace of mind

I second this!!! Sounds like something more serious than build-up from smoking too much. Respiratory issues can escalate quickly. See a doctor ASAP!!!


New Member
Probably just the cilia starting to work again, and pushing more out than usual. Better to see the doctor, though. Also, I HIGHLY recommend a vaporizor. A good one is usually 140 bucks or more, but well worth the money. Keeps the phlem to a minimum. Although I still hit the bong for nostalgia.