I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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You disrespect the site owners and you act like it's everyone else's fault. Without Potroast this site wouldn't even exist
Who set this up me or you

Without Potroast this site wouldn't even exist

I agree with this. Pot roast does a lot for the site. And has been doing a lot for the site since forever. I have a lot of respect for the guy. Can you believe I never used to like the guy for my first couple of years here? Lol . Once I got to know the guy, I really respected him. He's a great guy

I agree with this. Pot roast does a lot for the site. As has been since forever. I have a lot of respect for the guy. Can you believe I never used to like him for my couple first years here? Lol . Once I got to know the guy, I really respected him. He's a great guy


the penguin holds this shit togather... i never see rolli on here himself anymore...
So this is the same FDDBLACK that was pretty much an accepted troll, mad mod then bragged about living on lakes, having cash, land living the life that everyone envied?? You mean he was busted for something ILLEGAL? WOW shocker.

I would probably get in trouble if I called you an arrogant piece of worthless shit so I won't. Just know that words are powerful and have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass. Karma can be a real bitch. Do you have any idea of the hours FDD put in as THE mod here for years? Yeah there were a couple of other global mods but FDD was the one that kept the forum running. At least he has the skin to step into a situation and take care of business when necessary. What do you have to brag about?
I agree with this. Pot roast does a lot for the site. And has been doing a lot for the site since forever. I have a lot of respect for the guy. Can you believe I never used to like the guy for my couple of years here? Lol . Once I got to know the guy, I really respected him. He's a great guy

Ever seen a pissed off penguin? I have :lol:

I don't think he likes me much. He'll warm up to me though, lol.
LOL, he's a fisherman but he doesn't live on a lake; dickhead made that up.

i just find it comical that people would get mad at someone for living on a lake (true or not). you see it in a lot of people in how they act towards scooby just for being open about his generosity.

jealousy is an ugly emotion and makes people act real mean, and never in the funny kind of mean.
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