I'm Donating $5000 to FDD2BLK's Family

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Fact.. he got a 1/10th of the time anyone would for his charges.
All the special treatment he got.
Its all in black and white print, go back thru the articles again and you'll see the proof. you will read everything i stated earlier.

you and jtprin should make babies. tinfoil family.
Fact.. he got a 1/10th of the time anyone would for his charges.
All the special treatment he got.
Its all in black and white print, go back thru the articles again and you'll see the proof. you will read everything i stated earlier.

You seem to have neglected to include the facts you said you had.
Lets try again - specifically whom did fdd roll on and when.
Not speculative, assumptive bullshit - facts and supporting links please.
Amazing, dude gets busted for trying to sell, or conspiracy to sell 80k of weed, rolls on people, gets less time than anyone would for all his charges. And people want to help.
If a man is doing those kind of deals and didnt put back a rainy day fund, then thats his mistake. If you play the game at the level he was playing, then you should know the rules. First and foremost if you get popped, it ends there, not when you get done telling everything you know to the feds.
Im gonna get my ass chewed for this post, but facts are facts

I agree except about the "rolling over".I have no idea or opinion on that.I just got here.But I never saw anyone whine about getting only 3 fuckin years when you get busted.LMAO
I know when I caught my A1 felony case,everyone said I narc'd out.But nobody ever could think of anyone who I suposedly narc'd on.B/c it never happened.Prolly just like FDD prolly never did.Everyone thinks b/c you plea bargain down you autmatically rolled over.
I knew someone who was dealing, had been for a while, had been on surveillance, then subsequently busted. They were caught with a little over 10 pounds. They received a mandatory minimum 2 years. After 1 year they were released and received 10 years supervised probation. They did not give anyone up, but they cooperated with any other questions the police had. He also had a great lawyer.
I knew someone who was dealing, had been for a while, had been on surveillance, then subsequently busted. They were caught with a little over 10 pounds. They received a mandatory minimum 2 years. After 1 year they were released and received 10 years supervised probation. They did not give anyone up, but they cooperated with any other questions the police had. He also had a great lawyer.
10 lbs is a whole lot diff than fed conspiracy charges of sale and transport across state lines. They dont put that much man power and resources into a investigation just to slap you on the wrist. It was in article that he was cooperating with fed authorities.
Why has every thread that has anything to do with the facts of his case been removed? Not only on this forum, but all the others he was a member of.
People need to put their personal biases of friendship or whatever aside and look at whats in black and white.
The police are only interested in 1 type of cooperation, names. They dont need anything else they already got you.
10 lbs is a whole lot diff than fed conspiracy charges of sale and transport across state lines. They dont put that much man power and resources into a investigation just to slap you on the wrist. It was in article that he was cooperating with fed authorities.
Why has every thread that has anything to do with the facts of his case been removed? Not only on this forum, but all the others he was a member of.
People need to put their personal biases of friendship or whatever aside and look at whats in black and white.

10 lbs is a whole lot diff than fed conspiracy charges of sale and transport across state lines. They dont put that much man power and resources into a investigation just to slap you on the wrist. It was in article that he was cooperating with fed authorities.
Why has every thread that has anything to do with the facts of his case been removed? Not only on this forum, but all the others he was a member of.
People need to put their personal biases of friendship or whatever aside and look at whats in black and white.
The police are only interested in 1 type of cooperation, names. They dont need anything else they already got you.
There was one sentence, about 6 words long that indicated that. No source, only what the writer said he was told. I saw nothing else. I've heard nothing else. If I was one of the members that got popped with him I would have jumped all over this thread or had someone else do it for me. I haven't seen that happen either.
Why has every thread that has anything to do with the facts of his case been removed? Not only on this forum, but all the others he was a member of.
wrong answer.. I sure hope you ain't getting your facts off of RIU or any other pot forum.. bejeezus.. :wall:

come back with facts.
This is a Public Forum. dumb people roll themselves over. Shit woulda hit the fan in a lot of ways, that it never did. Mind Your OWN, take care of #1 ;). This is a Public Forum.

EDIT: ^^^ @ nick
Amazing, dude gets busted for trying to sell, or conspiracy to sell 80k of weed, rolls on people, gets less time than anyone would for all his charges. And people want to help.
If a man is doing those kind of deals and didnt put back a rainy day fund, then thats his mistake. If you play the game at the level he was playing, then you should know the rules. First and foremost if you get popped, it ends there, not when you get done telling everything you know to the feds.
Im gonna get my ass chewed for this post, but facts are facts

You are an idiot and a liar. FDD should not be getting ANY time because this should not be a crime. It's sheep like you that believe newspapers, CBS, NBC, CNN, ad nauseum. FDD didn't roll on anyone.

FDD will try to get his incarceration time reduced. Don't talk guns in a thread that he was a part of. LEO makes up stuff. Please don't give them any reason to tie FDD to guns. It won't matter to them that he wasn't here for the discussion. Anytime you have to answer an allegation with the words "but" (as in "but I was already in custody when they started to talk about guns or but I never even saw the drugs, etc.") you always lose. More it somewhere else please. Thank you for your consideration.

If we say "fuck" will they tie him to a prostitution ring?
Hello everyone I was gonna post in the Help me help FDD thread but it was closed so I am posting here. I wanted to let everyone know fdd is in Eureka still and could possibly be heading to Medford or Grants Pass , Oregon as early as tomorrow. He wanted me to let you know he is doing well. Also he said the people are nice and there are a lot of pot growers there. the food is pretty good , he is bored and is reading his 2nd book. And he got to watch the season finale of American Horror Story .
I know you don't know me but I want to thank everyone for their support and help. And like I've said before he is sooo lucky to know so many wonderful people. In case you may be wondering the answer is yes I miss him and this really sucks..I feel like I have lost my best friend . Its gonna take time but I know it will get...better/easier. It helps to get to talk to him on the phone. Well thats all for now and I will do my best to keep everyone posted on any new news. If you are interested in his glass or have any questions you may want to ask me , I am keeping a close eye on fdd's private messages. Thanks again .
Awesome, I've got a friend that grows pot in Grant's Pass. Medford is the home of Harry & David's, the best munchies in the world!!
if you havent seen this movie watch it.. hilarious
i've been watching a lot of guys talk shit about FDD rolling over on people or doing this and that. although none of it has EVER been backed up with any proof. just the same old internet gossip tree. i don't know FDD and i've never even heard the full or real story about what happened. i've heard anywhere from 2 pounds to 250 pounds. to be honest; i could care less. there seem to be some people on this thread just intent on trying to stir up some shit. fact of the matter is that it's very easy to say that you would be "man" and do your time like a "man" and that you are all "gangsta" and whatever from the comfort of your home or parent's basement while sipping on your mountain dew with a domino's pizza. it's real easy to pretend to be a toughguy when you really don't have to be one.

there are two simple facts i'd like to point out. first off...NO ONE has shown a SINGLE piece of evidence (not opinion or your "logical" assumptions) that FDD rolled on anyone. Secondly, if faced with the possibility of doing a much longer stint or given the chance to get back to your wife and children who you love very much and who need you; 99.9% of you would fucking roll in heart beat. if i had children and a wife that i loved and loved me like FDD does; i'd roll on your ass in a NY minute to get my sentence reduced and get back to them as quickly as i can.

if you wanna talk shit then go start your own thread. if you think you are a real "toughguy" then send me a PM and we'll go a few rounds in the cage. find out what your really made of. or, you can keep hiding behind that computer screen of yours talking shit.
i've been watching a lot of guys talk shit about FDD rolling over on people or doing this and that. although none of it has EVER been backed up with any proof. just the same old internet gossip tree. i don't know FDD and i've never even heard the full or real story about what happened. i've heard anywhere from 2 pounds to 250 pounds. to be honest; i could care less. there seem to be some people on this thread just intent on trying to stir up some shit. fact of the matter is that it's very easy to say that you would be "man" and do your time like a "man" and that you are all "gangsta" and whatever from the comfort of your home or parent's basement while sipping on your mountain dew with a domino's pizza. it's real easy to pretend to be a toughguy when you really don't have to be one.

there are two simple facts i'd like to point out. first off...NO ONE has shown a SINGLE piece of evidence (not opinion or your "logical" assumptions) that FDD rolled on anyone. Secondly, if faced with the possibility of doing a much longer stint or given the chance to get back to your wife and children who you love very much and who need you; 99.9% of you would fucking roll in heart beat. if i had children and a wife that i loved and loved me like FDD does; i'd roll on your ass in a NY minute to get my sentence reduced and get back to them as quickly as i can.

if you wanna talk shit then go start your own thread. if you think you are a real "toughguy" then send me a PM and we'll go a few rounds in the cage. find out what your really made of. or, you can keep hiding behind that computer screen of yours talking shit.

Alaskans just kill you if there is a question of loyalty.
i've been watching a lot of guys talk shit about FDD rolling over on people or doing this and that. although none of it has EVER been backed up with any proof. just the same old internet gossip tree. i don't know FDD and i've never even heard the full or real story about what happened. i've heard anywhere from 2 pounds to 250 pounds. to be honest; i could care less. there seem to be some people on this thread just intent on trying to stir up some shit. fact of the matter is that it's very easy to say that you would be "man" and do your time like a "man" and that you are all "gangsta" and whatever from the comfort of your home or parent's basement while sipping on your mountain dew with a domino's pizza. it's real easy to pretend to be a toughguy when you really don't have to be one.

there are two simple facts i'd like to point out. first off...NO ONE has shown a SINGLE piece of evidence (not opinion or your "logical" assumptions) that FDD rolled on anyone. Secondly, if faced with the possibility of doing a much longer stint or given the chance to get back to your wife and children who you love very much and who need you; 99.9% of you would fucking roll in heart beat. if i had children and a wife that i loved and loved me like FDD does; i'd roll on your ass in a NY minute to get my sentence reduced and get back to them as quickly as i can.

if you wanna talk shit then go start your own thread. if you think you are a real "toughguy" then send me a PM and we'll go a few rounds in the cage. find out what your really made of. or, you can keep hiding behind that computer screen of yours talking shit.

where you from? I'll roll with you dude. I must warn you, I wrestle in the nude.
if i had children and a wife that i loved and loved me like FDD does; i'd roll on your ass in a NY minute to get my sentence reduced and get back to them as quickly as i can.
So for the actions you've taken to get yourself and family in trouble, you pass the burden onto others to better yourself?

Big man you are.

Have to ask FDD if he agrees with that one.

If he didn't rat on anyone, I bet he has a different opinion than you.
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