im drunk and my plant is young(3 days old)


Active Member
I'm new to scrog and so far I have learned that 18" is a good starting point that is after I top them but the quetion is how to reach max benfits from the one plant. No clue on the scrog but willing to learn when sober as I hate the effect of booze because of lack of control. Anyone with scrog experience feel free to help unless I'm to much of a dueche and then there will be no help for muway. I hate the effects of booze.


Well-Known Member
well boozey :lol: you train them well with techniques like fim/fip, lst, etc than you set up a screen across the canopy and keep it nice and level. I think that's the basic extent of scrog man. Unspoken things like keep cola spacing tight, don't trip on the netting while drunk... shit like that too.


Active Member
Ugh...well thanks for the info. After I add the screen do I still veg or just flip to flower. And I got dog shit hammered and its early as fuck. Hahaha just re read my post wow hahaha gotta love wild turkey and md


Well-Known Member
Just tell it "I love you man" and give it a big uncoordinated hug! Thats what I do when Im drunk;)