im dumb...please help...clone question


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I have an issue and please don't make fun of me.

Although, I rightly deserve it.

I am growing, obviously, and my plants are doing well.

I want to grow more. Instead of starting from seeds, I wanted to try my hand at cloning, but I have a few questions.

1. How do I chose a mother?

2. I am assuming it would be smart to wait and see if perhaps the plants are female before I clone them, but the articles say to keep them in veg cycle (18 hours) how am i supposed to find out if they are indeed....female?

3. I have already moved the plants to the flowerbox. They have been under 12/12 light for about a week now. Can I still pick a mother from them?

A little off topic...

4. How long do I need to wait until they decide to show me if they are male or female?

I am posting pictures in the next post of my baby crop.


Active Member
Okay, so I have an issue and please don't make fun of me.

Although, I rightly deserve it.

I am growing, obviously, and my plants are doing well.

I want to grow more. Instead of starting from seeds, I wanted to try my hand at cloning, but I have a few questions.

1. How do I chose a mother?
You choose your mother on her desirable characteristics, so whatever your going after ex. this plant grew shorter with tighter nod spacing has more indica qualities...

2. I am assuming it would be smart to wait and see if perhaps the plants are female before I clone them, but the articles say to keep them in veg cycle (18 hours) how am i supposed to find out if they are indeed....female?
once they show there sex you can revert them back from 12/12 to veg as long as you dont wait to long.

3. I have already moved the plants to the flowerbox. They have been under 12/12 light for about a week now. Can I still pick a mother from them?
A little off topic...

4. How long do I need to wait until they decide to show me if they are male or female?
you might be able to tell already if its been a week depends on how your growing them tho...

I am posting pictures in the next post of my baby crop.................
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I did read the grow faq and no not all of my questions were answered, thank you though.

NOT ONLY did I read the paragraph written on closing in the thread, but I also read severeal articles away from this site.

Thanks for making me feel like a jerk for a newbie central weed growing forum.



Well-Known Member
I did read the grow faq and no not all of my questions were answered, thank you though.

NOT ONLY did I read the paragraph written on closing in the thread, but I also read severeal articles away from this site.

Thanks for making me feel like a jerk for a newbie central weed growing forum.


I hate when posters point out FAQ's! anywho, i believe "snocap" has answered your questions......anything else?
plants look good though....what kind of cab is that?



man take a clone from each mother and put it in 18 hours per day till it roots then when it roots put the clones under a light witch is only 12/12 seperate from the mothers and wait and see what they become


Well-Known Member
The local military base had a surplus of lockers....they upgraded thiers, so i took a couple of thier old ones and converted it.

And thank you for supporting me.

Can you tell if those are signs of a female (I am hopeful) or just more leaves making thier debut?


Well-Known Member
if they are under 12/12 just wait a ltiile, you can cut clones when you first see white hairs and put the clones back into 18/6 or even better 24 hours light


Well-Known Member
The local military base had a surplus of lockers....they upgraded thiers, so i took a couple of thier old ones and converted it.

And thank you for supporting me.

Can you tell if those are signs of a female (I am hopeful) or just more leaves making thier debut?
i honestly can't tell by the pictures....hopefully they are female for you! check every day so that males pop up you can yank them out! This site is all about support i think some peeps forget that.



Well-Known Member
I prefer not to take up valuable time, energy or product nuturing male plants. I would like to know ahead of time if they are female instead of just waiting and seeing. I appreciate the time you took in reponding to my post.

Also, I am female....not a "Man"

I appreciate it all the same.


Well-Known Member
I prefer not to take up valuable time, energy or product nuturing male plants. I would like to know ahead of time if they are female instead of just waiting and seeing. I appreciate the time you took in reponding to my post.

Also, I am female....not a "Man"

I appreciate it all the same.
i dont think that poster was using "man" in that same context:mrgreen: easy you! (teasing)



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to pop in and say you have a good looking cab there, nice and clean. Keep it up! Don't be discouraged to ask ?'s, you shouldn't feel like a jerk. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
sorry...i am a bit touchy today.

I will try to retract the claws.

either that or use the claws on my back! kiss-ass i like it~! its easy to let peeps get to ya on here....but just dont listen and don't give up. I am interested in hearing more on this cab/locker you it yourself?



Active Member
Sweet grow man...Just kidding about the man part. Seriously don't let some jerk get you uptight. We are all here for the same reason,to grow and to learn more about growing. Good Luck on your grow.