I'm dying to smoke but waiting for my paycheck!!

cat torian

Don't you hate it when you got like the last few days of the month before the check comes thru? Hoping someone might pass on the street smoking a spliff the size of your arm asking if you'd like a puff? Checking all the hiding places you've hidden weed before, to find...nada? Wanting to call your friends who you know are probably right now adjusting the atmosphere of their own head, but you know it's bad etiquette so you don't? Ah yes, here I am, belly exposed, oh well. There is one good thing though. When I finally get a hold of those juicy plump mounds of green deliciousness, it's gonna be "high times tonight" as Ann and Nancy Wilson said. Dream Boat Anne....ah


Well-Known Member
....only to be left panting like a rabid dog the next, waiting for yet another pay check...?

Time for you to look into growing your own, and fuck the pay check and his dealer, hold back some seed, and for the price of a 6 pack you too can have some type of cfl light system to grow them, throw out some shit in your closet, ...easy?

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I have no idea what your talking about. I havnt bought cannabis in many years. Grow your own. Then, when you get good at it you can sell it to your friends and you'll never be waiting on another pay check.


Well-Known Member
cool 4 u :blsmoke: :-)Time will take care of all. ;)

Aye man

Try some dip I.e. smokless tobacco

It'll make the average man less queer and you'll have a dick the size of a rhino

And make it to were you have a southern draw

So you can piss of liberals and all of the nancy boys of the sort

Plus you can look real badass as you spit mouth cancer out in a ice house can lol

Ive been dipping since I chould jerk off lol

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Aye man

Try some dip I.e. smokless tobacco

It'll make the average man less queer and you'll have a dick the size of a rhino

And make it to were you have a southern draw

So you can piss of liberals and all of the nancy boys of the sort

Plus you can look real badass as you spit mouth cancer out in a ice house can lol

Ive been dipping since I chould jerk off lol
OK Ty this is by far the dumbest thing you have posted to date.

Putting tobacco in your mouth doesn't make you cool or give you a large penis.

It just makes your breath stink and gives you cancer


Well-Known Member
OK Ty this is by far the dumbest thing you have posted to date.

Putting tobacco in your mouth doesn't make you cool or give you a large penis.

It just makes your breath stink and gives you cancer

Obviously you dont know anything about both of those

When ever I first started dipping my dick was close to 3inchs

Now at 18-20 my dick has at least doubled in size

And I didn't say cool

I said less queer

Cuz dip has magical powers that make you crave pussy

Thats why queers and Nancy boys smoke

And real homophobic trailer park inhabitants dip or chew tobacco

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
Obviously you dont know anything about both of those

When ever I first started dipping my dick was close to 3inchs

Now at 18-20 my dick has at least doubled in size

And I didn't say cool

I said less queer

Cuz dip has magical powers that make you crave pussy

Thats why queers and Nancy boys smoke

And real homophobic trailer park inhabitants dip or chew tobacco
that is because you started to dip when you were 7