Im ebmarased to show these, but whats wrong?


Active Member
first ill start out with the main setbacks of my first grow.

planted them in some clean pots in a half merical grow half compost mixture,(its was all i had on hand).

i started them under 3 floro tubes at 24/0 then when they were about 6 inchs tall they started to wilt cause of the crappy lighting

my only other option at the time was putting them out side, so i did what i had to do
security isnt much of a deal for me cause i have a liense and they were pretty small and unnoticeabe

I figured they would die but gave them a good chance and they survived,
however since they were outside and i live in orange county it was only getting about 10 hours of light a day, and it was kinda cold most of the time and there growth was stunted in about a month they only grew 1 or so inches.

once i finaly got my 400watt hps light i set it up under there

then after comming home from school the next day i noticed that both of my plants had showed there sex, but i had the light set for 18/6, but luckly both of the plants were ladys. but since they had already started growing hairs i put them into flowering but since they were stunted they were only about 6 inches tall.

for ferts im just mixing advanced nutrience solution and 1/4 into the water, i have it for the grow im starting pretty soon.

I started flowering december 5th

im pretty shure most of the wilting was from the light being to close, at first it was only about 1/8 inches away,
temps are not to high and i have a fan going on them

also i was misting them untill about 2 days ago when i read a thread that said it was harmfull to the plants, so i stoped and they seem to be doing a little better.

anyways here they are...
im seriously amazed they are still alive i have messed up alot with these


Well-Known Member
wow those are the smallest buds i have ever seen. The plant should be a bit bigger before you bud it. Tell us the details lights, age, food, ect?


Active Member
seriously, your spelling is atrocious... i didn't look at your plant pics, sorry, but i'm a new grower too, so probably wouldn't be much help.. except maybe, use spellcheck?


Active Member
You need to let them vegetate for about 3-4 months under 24hrs of light.....your plants look hella young mang ......I didn't even know you could force flower it that young.... crazy


Well-Known Member
i kinda had this experience with some plants a buddy of mine shot me.they were majorly stunt,i repotted, vegged them out(still vegging) with some grow big and ive been pulling clones off them for the last month,im sure it will recover!mine did but had some crazy ass growth,it looks like 3 plants in one........good luck!


Well-Known Member
Well now we all know if you want like 4 grams of quick weed grow it to be about 6 inches and flower it, but that sucks it started to show its sex man...but hey look at the bright side, your still going to have some kind of bud to smoke, who knows if it will be good, but atleast you have the light and can start on some new ones:)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
They are small he could have won the shot glass contest with those though.Not sure what to say other then if you use florescent shop lights for 8-10 bucks you can veg them just fine in those size pots.Heres these are about 16 days old in this picture and will go to flower in about a week..yes soil is very very slow to grow in thats why its ararity for me..



Active Member
Take clones off them or start all over. Running a 400 watt light for such small plants doesn't make much sense to me. But expierementing is good to do also. Good luck!


Active Member
im just happy they are not dead yet and i have already started a hydro grow
just not ready for the light yet cause they are just seedlings


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hydro and aero are so much easier to control and regulate you ll never go back to dirt unless you get real real bored lol


Well-Known Member
They are small he could have won the shot glass contest with those though.Not sure what to say other then if you use florescent shop lights for 8-10 bucks you can veg them just fine in those size pots.Heres these are about 16 days old in this picture and will go to flower in about a week..yes soil is very very slow to grow in thats why its ararity for me..
16 days from seed, wow
what are you giving them,
im growing under the same conditions as you ,and my plants arnt that big, were them plants from seed or 16 days from rooted clone?.:peace:


Well-Known Member
them are a little small. did you goto 12/12 straight away,from seed. them plants look ill, but if youve learned from them then good, if i was you id start some more along side them. and vegg for over 4/5 weeks unless your doing a sog.
just lucks like your trying to run before you can walk. why dont you put one of them plants back under 24/0 let it vegg for 4 to 6 weeks then take clones, and then thell all also be female. then start again, mean while finish growing the rest of your plants in the pics, you mite get a few spliffs out of them, or revegg em all/
hope it all works out, but boy there small.


Active Member
im just going to let these do there thing till my areo plants are ready for the light then they will just be put next to it till they finish flowering if they make it that far
there is no point in getting clones from them cause first of all they are all ready started to flower and they would most likely die, i have 2 seedlings in my areo right now they are og sour diesel, and if im lucky again and get a female or both are i will make cuttings from them and start a grow from clones.


Well-Known Member
they wont die if you put into 12/12 they will just grow, maybe slow for a week, but theyll come back and grow, unless you just finish them and learn from them. good luck.


Active Member
i seen it before. even smaller plant with smaller buds. you do that to test out the sex of a mother plant by force fowerin a clone. off han you can see it on utube. titled

i grow chronic