Im getting seeds everywhere, need some advice asap


So I have two plants. I took a branch off one to quick dry and get a free smoke, and then I realized there's seeds in it. In the few popcorn nuggets I smoked I got like 6 seeds. They were mature seeds too, nice and brown with those strip patterns and spots. Do you think that indicates the plant is ready to harvest? Because the leaves are covered in resin, its very very sticky and the bud still does get you damn high. Most pistils are orange too. I smoked a branch from it about a week ago though, and it had no seeds. So I'm wondering if its maybe just the one branch that got pollinated?

Anyways I have another plant right next to this one, and I looked at the calyxes and they are all extremely swollen. I didn't pick off a bud, but I pinched off one of the swollen calyxes and sure enough a nice big seed was in there. The thing about this second plant is that there are swollen calyxes EVERYWHERE. Like literally looks like a million seeds on this thing. There's also not nearly as much resin on it compared to the other plant. Should I just cut this thing down and make hash with it? Would that be better than getting extremely seeded bud?

If anyone can answer those questions it'd be much appreciated. This is my first time growing bud, so I'm kind of lost.


Well-Known Member
hell, i used to smoke schwag all the time...picking out the seeds was just part of the process of getting high.

you said it gets you high, so smoke it! save the seeds for your next grow if they are mature, and just be diligent about killing the males.