I'm giving up weed for a while


Well-Known Member
Every couple of months money gets tight and I have to quit smoking in order to get finances straight. That time has come around again. Shame it has to be right at the holidays. I haven't smoked in I think three days so far. (I'm normally an everyday smoker.) I normally have a bong on the coffee table at all times, so I put all my smoking utensils away. I'm considering going out and buying a goodbye weed gram, but I don't think I will. I'll still be lurking the forums reading all the great advice though (Takes will power, but I've done it before.) That's the worst part. Knowing that everyone else is high as a kite while I'm stone sober. :P


Active Member
Some days I wake up thinking "I could totally go a month without smoking, no problem". I will tell myself I will do it. That night I always smoke alot more weed then I usually would. I don't see the point in abandoning something I like, so long as It doesnt interfeir with anything important in my life.


Well-Known Member
I do grow, only problem is I smoke is faster then it grows. And right now I need to say on electricity anyways.
I've done that before, dumbledank. Actually, I've been tellin myself I'm gonna quit for like, two weeks now. But reality sucks, so I always ended up pickin up a bag.
and three months is where I draw the line, any more then that is just asking for trouble or a mental breakdown.


Well-Known Member
Yea i hear ya man good luck with that. i once quit for 7 years 4 of those were forced bro. anyways, i think its all actually in the mind. some days i go weeks without smoking.somedays i challenge myself to smokefestivals. i refuse to smoke my bud after curing for really long lengths of time as well cuz its just to much and interferes with other things i have going on. dont make so much of it do what u have to do.


Well-Known Member
im on a 2 year forced streach and once you get past that first week things start getting easy man its good to take a break it makes what we enjoy that much sweeter and it tells you where you stand in the whole situation anyways :joint:


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking on and off since the fourth grade.
I like that you keep shit tight financially and you can see what you gotta give up
for yourself to have harmony.