im going to do dxm

150mg? That seems like a low amount. You'll just have a drunk/body high feeling, I doubt any dissociation will happen at 150mg. If you don't have any adverse effects from your 150mg experience, try bumping your dose. A common dose is 200-400mg.


New Member
Great!! Hyper as shit. Got a bunch of energy. Body was like numb. But itfely great! Cant waittill a couple weeks when i can do 300 mg.

But yeah made me talk alot. It was great!


New Member
It was a fun experience. Just want to do it one more time for a full trip. Then im not touching it for awhile. Dont need my liver n kidneys ruined. Plus i dont need a addiction

Im already addicted to the #1 drug :(

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Not just a rush.. it's dissociating psychedelic, at high doses your mind and body will separate and shit's going to get really weird and trippy, but yet awesome


New Member
So i heard. Would have done that much but was at work n couldnt resist.

I think tuesday i will take that much.

So will i have any control over myself at high dose or would i be just a sitting dummy?


PLEASE start making contributory threads rather than useless "should I" or "who would" threads..............

come on bro.... you been here for a good minute, and you've been given a good bit of slack here... do your drugs or just start a tv show allowing others to choose what happens in your life.


you're supposed to learn here..... you're doing nothing but letting others make your decisions like you've always done..... where's the growth? .... we've failed.


New Member
No you didnt. I like to get experts opinions on the drug before doing it.

Strike me dead if im wrong for doing that.

But you drug experts get a A+ always been there to help. You did not fail :)


No you didnt. I like to get experts opinions on the drug before doing it.

Strike me dead if im wrong for doing that.

But you drug experts get a A+ always been there to help. You did not fail :)
us "experts" have nothing but personal experience to back ourselves up..... some of us shouldnt be here... wouldnt take the 'expert' opinion all the time ..... everything else google can cover ;)