I'm going to have to kill my baby.


This is my first grow and they are looking wonderful, they are growing strong and I'm very proud of my babies, but lately my wife is being very curious on whats on the closet, because she heard the fans blowing,the room is far from ours,and nobody uses that room. so, she hasn't checked inside because I have it locked but she's being very persistent and I'm going to have to get rid of them. Where I live the laws are very stupid, and frigid so I'm kinda scared on her reaction so I'm getting rid of them as I'm writing this. I want to thank all of you guys for your help,and the website I'm just going to have to wait a little bit more and do better planning next time to get my babies old.


Nobody knows about them, only you guys will know how I feel right now. It sucks very much. Fucking laws!.

I'm very sad and stoned right now but whatever, I ordered seeds from johndoeseeds they are legit! very pleased with the service. I used miracle gro seed starting mix to develop the seedlings and then into regular miracle gro potting mix, they were doing great. the only problem I had was once that i placed the light to close and the tips began to curl. they are two weeks old.

Oh well RIP babies we'll meet again soon. even if I have to get a divorce!:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
heres a little ditty for you....

you smoke weed, and your wife obviously knows that.... does she smoke? if she does...

SOMEONE has to grow it. tell her you AS A COUPLE are going to grow your own.

incriminate her so she CAN'T turn you in.....


Active Member
heres a little ditty for you....

you smoke weed, and your wife obviously knows that.... does she smoke? if she does...

SOMEONE has to grow it. tell her you AS A COUPLE are going to grow your own.

incriminate her so she CAN'T turn you in.....
lmao... true... also.. alot of places allow medical marijuana. check it out.


Well-Known Member
Dumbass all that hardwork lol!!! Tell the wife threw thickest and thin motherfucka! Sickness and health! Till death did your plants in!!


Well-Known Member
Fucking ridiculous... what kind of relationship do you have with your wife where you would just try to hide it away in a closet in the house you both live in? This shit is ridiculous. I can't believe people live like this. Either man up or fucking move out... christ...

Sorry, just think it's really stupid to live with someone you feel the need to deceive to do what you want...


Well-Known Member
Fucking ridiculous... what kind of relationship do you have with your wife where you would just try to hide it away in a closet in the house you both live in? This shit is ridiculous. I can't believe people live like this. Either man up or fucking move out... christ...

Sorry, just think it's really stupid to live with someone you feel the need to deceive to do what you want...
Fuck I wish the like button worked. I totally agree with you dude.

How the fuck can someone be married and not know shit like this.


Well-Known Member
Agree altar my wife knows and is completly fine with it and she dont smoke she even makes sure my temps are in check and everything!!


Well-Known Member
Right..? I don't mean to be too harsh. I guess I was a little harsh. But seriously.

Also, 420God, that avatar is fucking awesome!


Well, long story short I don't live in the U.S. laws are very rigid here, and she doesn't know I smoke, she is very religious and naive, I always smoke before taking a shower and use eyes drops all the time. I'm going to tell her now that they are gone, in case she has a bad reaction anyways.


New Member
How did you get to the point where you married a women that doesn't approve of you smoking ot at least tolerate it. Doesn't make sense to me.


I keep the fact that I love smoking to myself, nobody else needs to know. I've being smoking for ages so i tolerate it very well and nobody seems to notice. I'm not one of those douches that need to brag about smoking. where I live people tend to discriminate against people that smoke weed, so in order to be part of the society (have a great job and shit) you need to lay low. I'm pretty high right now so sorry about my spelling , but i'm impressed that nobody else does this.


Active Member
Man, I didn't think my wife would be on board, but just make it real exiciting for them.... let them research, water, check temps and trim..... hell, she researched vaporizors and picked me up one..... I prefer rolling a big blunt with those ZIG ZAG cigarrillo papers..... but I told her how awsome it is..... Shit she pulls old fan leaves, and keeps the hydroton off the floor...... and she doesn't smoke at all.....


Well-Known Member
a title like that and I wasn't alarmed
i know right. i was looking around and just glanced passed it and realized "hey, only on RIU is killing babies just an everyday thing.."

were like the uganda of marijuana.