Im Going To The Greatest College Ever


Well-Known Member
so it looks like i get to go to Humboldt State University after my next two semesters in community college finishing organic biology for my botany major!

basically my parents are going to pay for me to grow super cannabis for everyone to love.

anyone stoked for me?


Well-Known Member
Hey friend, I also am taking Botany in Alaska... we'll be on the forefront for cannabis research... dudeeeeee.


Active Member
if i wasn't so obsessed with getting a wellpaying job i'd take the time to pursue a major i actually enjoy such as plant genetics **sighs, controls jealousy**


Well-Known Member
LOL! my uncle was chief of police there for a while. But that don't mean I'm getting you out of trouble............


Well-Known Member
yeah but you own a plane. money can lead to happiness. i have to be rich while i am young. i can pursue my passions when i am old and have no libido.

I wish I owned that plane! I just fly it for a Dr. that owns it, I can't even take it on personal trips :( Money can of course lead to happiness, but you will then be materialistic... I do have some nice toys that I have rewarded myself but it was only through hard work and dedication that I was able to attain them. They made me happy, for a short time... I was materialistic up until about... 3-4 months ago, when I started growing again. I learned not to want and just to need, you can say I've been enlightened. I can't wait to move to Alaska and just throw all material things out the window, all I need is my growing skill, my kayak, and the basic necessities of life.