im growing tomatoes help!!


Active Member
i love tomatoes! i eat them with friends all the time. Its the ultimate in social bonding.


Active Member
WTF yes i love toooomatoes those look so fuckn tasty i wanna eat 'em great work man keep it up


Well-Known Member
yah dude, ifs its really tomatoes your in the wrong place. theres a gardening section that only deals with non weed topics.


Active Member
lol talking stealthily about growing mary jane....ON A MARIJUANA GROWING WEBSITE!

lol idk...maybe its just me, but if your being "watched" by police or something, they will know what your up to once they see in your history whether you post it in code or not.


Well-Known Member
I would feel so bad lighting cute little lady bugs on fire!! and smoking them right up!!


Well-Known Member
my suggestion before you get even more ridiculed till you're forced to change screen names is to rephrase the question with out insulting us.


Well-Known Member
Actually guys... He just wanted to see pics of my plants (in PM) and I didn't wanna put em in a thread so Beefy just made a thread he thought no one would come to... But you guys did... :mrgreen: All good... There is no ???'s here.