im having some problem with my mother plant!!!


Active Member
hi Guys i need some help here: my mother does not seem health to me what a you guys think?
i have this mother about 2 months , Northern Light.
i feed with Hesy nutes( follow the feed schedule)
i just feed her twice a week ( wenesd, sunday)
200ml water every day, 6.8ph, and 2 tsp Hydrogeni Peroxide/1galon water
what else????????hhummm
i read the FAQ and seems like Mg defi. but before i do anything , theres this little detail that i think it is importante:
This girl NEVER gave me a problem, UNTILL couple days ago when i put her in a big bucket and put NEW SOIL which is this one i put the pic ...know im wondering if it is the Mg defi or it is something with the soil because this miracle grow come with some kind of feed plants up to 3 months ( before transplant i had normal soil , cheap ass one . ..thanks in advance.....
please ask me if i forgot any info.....



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
your going to get nute.burn every time you feed your plant with them being in a time release soil. get rid of that and get some fert. free soil. good luck


Active Member
your going to get nute.burn every time you feed your plant with them being in a time release soil. get rid of that and get some fert. free soil. good luck
ok make sense ...but if i don't use nutes and just waiting with plain water... (suposelly the soil , release the fert) do you think it may works ....or i have to get rid of the soil and put normal soil? thaks


Well-Known Member
Start with new fert free soil like mygirls said, because you don't know what ferts or how much is in the soil that your using. Then you can add your own nutes and know what it is and how strong it is.


Well-Known Member
Start with new fert free soil like mygirls said, because you don't know what ferts or how much is in the soil that your using. Then you can add your own nutes and know what it is and how strong it is.
I generally agree, but if you have a 2 month old it should be big enough to handle some the ferts in MG. I personally think that MG and MJ don't go hand in hand, but I would give it a minute. You're also going to see some shock from the transplant.

mygirls is more of an expert on soil than I can proclaim to be, so if he says take it out of the MG, I would follow that advice.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Foxfarm Ocean forest seem to work well with weed. My plants in soil looked great for about the first month. When I started to see signs I started to give them nutes.


Active Member
hey mygirl ...just came by to say ..thank you...i changed the soil...put new free fertilizer soil////my mother looks great now...the results was imediately...thanks man...


Active Member
Hey Mygirl, how's it going? hope everything is all right, i asked for you help before and you're real precise with the diagnostic, no i was wondering if you could use you help again, i've about 10 plants flowering and something is not right. Please let me know if you can help me and i will send the pics w details to you soon