I'm in the weeds

Bend over the main cola and tie down. If autos should have ran 18/6 and probably wouldn’t have had so much stretch. If you don’t bend over that main cola gonna have lots of little buds at the bottom. Had to do that to some of my northern lights but worked out good
Guys thanks so much for the advice. When the lights come on I will turn it up to reduce stretch and tie main colas down. I am seriously running out of top space. :peace:
I feel like I have just killed my plants. I massaged the stem where I wanted it to bend. When I went to tie it it bent over and I can see where the outer stem is damaged. Hope they make it.20211016_151521.jpg20211016_151521.jpg20211016_151530.jpg
They will bounce back in a few days, all those downward facing leaves will face upwards. You should just top them though if you want your plants to get bushier.
Thanks I appreciate it. I'm over here bummed like I just beat my dog or something. For the most part I feel pretty lucky I got em this far.

I put those same LST clips on my plants and they looked like crap afterwards. They bounced back in a day or 2. Don't be afraid to top and prune your plants, it will make much better use of your space.
Well, it's been a few day and the plants seem unaffected by me bending the tops over. I am getting new growth and the stems I taped are feeling less bendy so I guess I am doing okay so far.
I can still turn it up another 25% but with them doing their best to outgrow the height of my tent I was concerned. They are also so bushy that they are crowding out the plant in the front. I am wondering if at some point I should thin them out but not sure how to do that. Baby steps you know.
Those aren't just 'starting' to flower...they're full fledged flowering. I personally wouldn't worry about the stretch. They're probably near the end of stretching anyway. Any really tall ones continue to bend over.