I'm just starting, here's what i got..


Active Member
Ok, so im just getting into the growing world. i live in a basement and have an old salt water fish tank/system which i thought would be pretty good for growing.

What i got: 160 gallon tank(where i hope to grow the plants) 2 1/2 feet tall.
- hydroponic lights/ florescent( the hood said hydroponics on it so i assume thats what the lights were in the fixture) the florescants are about 6 feet... moon light simulators for dark periods.
-all the lighting is in a hood with ventilating which is approx 3 feet above the base of the tank.
-reverse osmosis water filter and 10 gallon holdiong tank.
-humidifier that also acts as a heater. tells the temp and the RH %
-PH testing kits and modifiers (for salt water fish tanks)
-timers and plenty of plugs.

what i need to know is will i have enough room in the tanks, and if my lights are good to grow with. im a complete nub and need some help gettin' goin' any other tips and hints would be appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt recomend using a fish tank, only because you wont have adequate drainage and i don't think your growing medium will receive enough air for proper root growth. Do you have to use the tank? maybe i am unclear, do u plan on going hydroponic? I still don't think thats your best bet. But Good luck if you roll with it;-)


Active Member
well, the tank is HUGE. and it drains out of the bottom, with two fans: one that blows air into one side of the tank, and on the other side one fan to suck out and ventilate. i'm not sure of what lights i have. theres three lights that are in the system: two 6 foot florescent lights, two smaller lights that turn on and get pretty bright(not sure what they're called) and then the dim moon lights. they're for salt water fish tanks.
again i'm really uneducated in growing, I've been reading up but theres alot to keep track of.


Well-Known Member
if its your first time growing you might want to try soil first. hydro is a little more complicated.

just my thoughts!!