Im new here so can some one explain a few things to me

First of all I am new to the forum this is my first post but ive learned a lot well mostly everything from looking at the advice you guys share on here. I have three bag seed plants under a 1000 watt light I started off with two 150 watts hps then upgraded to a 400 then decided to buy a 5 x5 tent and a 1000 hps since I found a deal on craigslist. So I have 5 feminized northern lights and four feminized bubbalicious seeds(one fell down the sink lol) that I got from nirvana seeds. they are about a week into seedlings and look good. The three bag seeds I have are in the seventh week of flowering and look really good for my first grow I must say. I have devoted all my free time on them and babied them 24/7. two look to be indica and one sativa. ill post pics. tell me what your honest opinion is and what can I do to make them better? they are in a 5x5 mylar tent under 1000 watt hps bulb reflector and a big oscillating fan on the bulb. no cooling tube or exhaust or carbon filter but I have been looking into buying them. I use coco grow medium in 3 gallon pots fox farm big grow tiger and the other one I forgot the name lol. I use half the recommended dose and water whenever the top soil looks dry. should I buy the cooling fan and exhaust and carbon filter ? should I put a co2 tank in to get more oxygen and how many plants should I put in the 5x5 ? also im gonna put the seedlings I have now in 5 gallon buckets when they no longer ft in the small 32 oz Styrofoam cups.



Well-Known Member
After reading that my eyes hurt
i think you already know most of these answers
from the questions you're asking
only thing i will address is the co2 tents leak and if its close to a area where people might be sleeping it can be really unsafe/deadly


Well-Known Member
Drill extra holes in your cups, and always add drain holes if you DIY plant pots... Heat is an issue, yes buy the cool tubes, pot grown at 80 f will be better than pot grown at above 85 f...You need a deeper root system, water must drip out your pots after watering, or your water will stay shallow, and your roots will remain near surface...GOOD Luck!
thanks for the help guys also im thinking of going with big bud for my next grow after the nl and bubbalicious is done so what other high yielding strains would you suggest?


Well-Known Member
You really should give the Indoor forum folks a chance to chime in as well. Especially regarding the purely indoor stuff, like filters (if those big ass buds aren't smelling up the room where the tent is already, then you are probably, fans (like cow bells and lights, can always use more fans ;-) and CO2 (this adds carbon dioxide, not more oxygen) which helps all the time, but especially during flower, or if you have heat issues. As you can veg and flower at slightly higher temps if using CO2.

Like tekdc911, my eyes get sore from reading (and other things..LOL) :bigjoint: Reading is fine, but actually growing is a much better teacher. At least it seems to be for me :-P

Good luck with both grows (those frosty buds look fukin D-licious :weed:

R2T :peace: