I'm new to the whole scene...


Active Member
I am lost in how to begin growing marijuana i dont know how to or when to do all the right techniques for growing bud. and ive looked into those weed growing boxes but i dont wanna have to sell my 1st born to afford it. and ive also looked into things like aerogarden but i dont know if i would be able to modify mine like every body else is doing on this site. i'm really just looking for a easy to way to grow for a beginner plz help.


Well-Known Member
just do a soil grow that's as simple as u can get as for being lost, I suggest you do some reading and come back when you have a more specific question that you need answered!

try FAQ's in top left hand corner

Go to newbie central and go to 101 already asked questions( think that's what it's called)

go to grow journals and look at other beginners grow

good luck

peace k-town


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Come in and sit a while. Soo.... where would you be doing this, how much space would you have, budget? For us to try and help you we will have to have some idea of your plan. It doesn't have to be complex, remember, your just growing a weed. The complicated things you read about in here do increase yields, but not knowing all of them before you plant a seed won't kill your plants. So relax, gotta crawl 'fore you walk, and walk before you run. VV


Well-Known Member
what a nice guy!! yeah, once you get started and on your path then things will just come to you, it takes time so u will definately be able to find new things around here....

btw.. nice to meet u and welcome


Well-Known Member
I agree GraF, he does sound like such a nice guy! Welcome aboard Uranium.
A simple soil grow is about as easy a place to start as growing tomatoes.
The only diference is you'll be growing inside, so 1st you'll need to decide on a lighting solution that fits you and your budget.
For me, the answer was a HPS light, but you'll have to decide that one for yourself. Feel free to ask questions, someone will always be all too willing to help ya out!


Active Member
ya bro. get some cfl's if you don't wanna drop serious cash. theyre cheap and vegged my plant just fine until i got my hps. just read in these forums b/c thats what they are for.. learning.


Active Member
hello everybody, i'm new to this and im trying to get started but with simple steps like soil grow..my question is what do i need to do to start of? like what tools do i need....ooo yea im growing indoors, i have crippy,skunk haze and fruitball seeds....i would appriceate any help


Well-Known Member
you need to go find some soil. i would say that you should by some organic soil. you need to buy pots to put the soil in. start with small containers and work your way up to 5gal buckets.
you also need to germinate your seeds, so read up on how to germinate seeds.....once the seeds have sprouted there white tail...then you plant it into soil....and let er grow.


Active Member
after it sprouts and i put the seed in the soil do i need the light or any other nutrient things to put in? or i can just water them


Well-Known Member
you do need a light. you should go to a home depot or something and buy a CFL bulb. ( you know, the spiral bulbs). that will be enough light to get the sprout to sprout. and yes you also need to give it alittle water.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, welcome aboard! First off, in the future, start a new thread rather than taking over someone elses....they may get pissed at ya for hyjacking their thread.

Moving on, you need to go to the top of the screen and read the "growfaq".

To answer your question, you definitely need light. This could be your biggest investment. HID of CFL's? Do you have high expectations on your yeild, or it dosent matter, you just want the experience?

Even if you dont need the nutrients yet, I'd be thinking about what nutrients I am going to use, than get em. Organic or chemical?

after it sprouts and i put the seed in the soil do i need the light or any other nutrient things to put in? or i can just water them


Active Member
ok so i need the bulb and that should be it righ?and just plain water....thanx for answering my questions


Well-Known Member
you always keep CFL's 1-2 inches from top of ur plant due to them not creating much heat

hope this helps that was ur question right?



Active Member
I highly suggest you take a look at the growfaq their is a lot of usefull information in it and it will get you started. Not to mention answer a lot of your begginner questions