I'm new to the whole scene...


Well-Known Member
Paisa, dude....I see people talking about cfl's and I see you talking about having high expectations. I feel the two contradict each other.

While I am sure you can grow a beautiful plant utilizing nothing more than cfl's, you'll certainly take a large hit in the yeild department.

Marijuana is a high light requirement plant, although it will adapt to a low light solution such as CFL's. It will however grow slower, and yeild less.

I am not looking to argue, but you did say that you have "high expectations" so I am just trying to help you make the correct decision from the onset.

Heres a simple point for ya....
A typical CFL puts out 60 lumens/watt. Because it’s about 10% more effective at producing PAR light than an HPS, we turn that into 66 lumens/watt when comparing to the 400 watt HPS.

A 400 watt HPS puts out 125 lumens/watt.
So, a CFL puts out 47% less PAR light per watt than the 400 watt HPS. By making the switch to CFL, you’ve become 47% less efficient at producing bud, and 47% less green to the planet.

If light were the only determining factor, you’ll yield about 3 times less bud per crop using 262 watts of CFL than you would using 400 watts of HPS.

A watt of fluorescent lighting creates about the same amount of heat as a watt of HPS lighting. If you used a 150 watt HPS, you could put the light within a few inches of the plants, you’d create 43% less heat, spend 43% less money on the electric bill, and deliver the same amount of light as the 262 watts of fluorescent. It’s the green smart way to light up your space.


Active Member
videoman i like the way u explain everything very helpful...can u give me advice on whats the best way to store my seeds before germinatin them...i have them right now in a plastic container filled with rice...is that good?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
cfls have come a very long way in recent years ....when people talk about cfls on here your taslkin about the twisted house hold cfl bulb ,.....believe me guys envirolites are diferent and will give u a very decent yeild allmost the same as hps these are bulbs designed for growing and give the correct light in the correct spectrum out needed for growing ,if u dont belive me give me a "pm" and ill show u a forum where allmost everyone grows with enviros and has the perfect centre fold buds we all crave .


Active Member
cfls have come a very long way in recent years ....when people talk about cfls on here your taslkin about the twisted house hold cfl bulb ,.....believe me guys envirolites are diferent and will give u a very decent yeild allmost the same as hps these are bulbs designed for growing and give the correct light in the correct spectrum out needed for growing ,if u dont belive me give me a "pm" and ill show u a forum where allmost everyone grows with enviros and has the perfect centre fold buds we all crave .
so what your saying, correct me if im wrong, that you can use clf bulbs and almost have the same yeild and light experience as if you were useing hps bulbs?