I'm not sure if to harvest or not


Active Member
They're looking better, post again in a few days. She has to swell some.
I will post tomorow, not it's dark period. I can't wait for it to finish.
Today i've cut some small buds and am currently lightbulb drying them to test potency.

Question:the plant that hermied and autopolinated like 1/3 of her buds looks very far behind. It has so many white pistils and is not dense at all. Any chance it will make up the lost energy it gave on the seeds and turn out to be a good smoke ?


Well-Known Member
I'll snap some more pics before chop! I got a new one on the backburner imma snap a few of her too!


Active Member
:) thank you for the advice. They are growing soooo weird.
3 seeds, same strain, 3 pots.
1 plant looks oh so good, one is so and so and the other look like it's been flowering for 3 weeks (it's been almost 7)... srsly dunno if it's fine or not.
the one so and so doesn't smoke too good.
IMG_20120528_125810.jpgThis is the young looking one
IMG_20120528_125816.jpgThis is the best of the 3
IMG_20120528_125822.jpgthis is the inbetween...
EDIT: Is it possible their growth is stunted ? .... the middle one is fluffy(it also has the best position in the grow space, with most light and least heat), while the best one is dense... the other:i've chanced the position of a poor looking branch to a better spot(more light) and it significantly thickened.

signed, a concerned noob :)


Active Member
Still quite a ways to go. There's not a whole lot of bud density there but it's probably genetics. Could be from high temperatures too but I don't see any signs of heat stress.

Remember all those hairs have to turn orange, die off and recede back into the calyx.


Active Member
if heat damage ocured, can it be healed or can it grow over the damaged areas ?
Also i've cut the main cola and the best but of the one that's done just cause i didn't any space left for the shitty ones. I'll go for average weed but more than significantly less but good.....
i cut one hour of light to force it to think winters coming (game of thrones, amirite?).

EDIT: pic-churs later