Well-Known Member
really nice Bro, Im looking forward to see em preformnow thinking back on it, is there any other way of indoor growing when we talk Texas ?
p.s. what kind of Red`s is it ? 630nm or 660nm ?
Yeah man, summer growing has taken its toll on me. I'm excited to see the room temps after installing this in the closet. I'm checking on the reds and will get back to you. I went with this unit based on your recommendation and a couple others out there. We will see what she can do.
Love the new light bro! Like Slipon, I can't wait to see what this baby can do. I would like to be able to run leds, but have to wait until I move and re-invest in equipment. I know that they do work great though from Slipon's success with them, and now I'll be able to check out the white leds, and see how they do thanks to you. Way to pioneer bro. Have fun with your new toy, I thought for sure you would have it hooked up already. All in due time said the Kemosabe. Peace out.
Unfortunately I had to actually work this morning. This new government healthcare program is creating a s*&6 storm for me and my company. But we will end up on top. I am confident of that, have to be, gotta keep paying for these pricey toys!
these leds would be awesome for our hot climate
That's what I'm thinking too. Otherwise I just bought the most expensive aquarium light for my fish! Plus this fixture gives me some options, maybe running two rooms in the future, at least during winter, ya know?