I'm Really Politically Pissed At:

Why? Did he say he won't be taking it?

When asked when he would get vaccinated, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said he doesn't want to be an example of someone "cutting the line," but said "the sooner I can, I will."

"I'm 59 years old, in good health, I'm not working in the front line. So, my type is not recommended to get vaccinated," Bourla told CNBC's Meg Tirrell on Monday.

However, Bourla stated that they are still considering the possibility for him to get vaccinated sooner than anticipated to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine to the public, and to encourage people to get vaccinated.
When asked when he would get vaccinated, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said he doesn't want to be an example of someone "cutting the line," but said "the sooner I can, I will."

"I'm 59 years old, in good health, I'm not working in the front line. So, my type is not recommended to get vaccinated," Bourla told CNBC's Meg Tirrell on Monday.

However, Bourla stated that they are still considering the possibility for him to get vaccinated sooner than anticipated to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine to the public, and to encourage people to get vaccinated.
That seems reasonable.
That seems reasonable.

They're trying to avoid giving the impression that the vaccine is going to the elites before going to the people that should be getting it first. And yes it makes perfect sense which is why I couldn't understand why some are trying to make it into some kind of conspiracy. If he did cut the line people would be having a fit saying that the wealthy are getting the vaccine and making it into a class issue. It's too bad that so many people take everything out of context.
When asked when he would get vaccinated, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said he doesn't want to be an example of someone "cutting the line," but said "the sooner I can, I will."

"I'm 59 years old, in good health, I'm not working in the front line. So, my type is not recommended to get vaccinated," Bourla told CNBC's Meg Tirrell on Monday.

However, Bourla stated that they are still considering the possibility for him to get vaccinated sooner than anticipated to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine to the public, and to encourage people to get vaccinated.

dealt it; smelled it of course that's very juvenile but it wouldn't hurt to own this- as a good example..throw caution to the wind and bleach in the laundry.

how many restaurant owners do you know that won't eat at their own place?

the one person who should get it immediately as it's his own product- fail Pfizer fail.
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Joe Scarb: "Im getting told by restaurant owners (who hate Trump) that they can't get their employees to come back to work because they were earning more on UE" or something like that.


Those restaurant owners may think that is the case, hell they might even be told that. But it ignores that there is a fucking pandemic going on, and maybe those employees are weighing the risk of going back to work to earn approximately the same money as they get from UE, but at home they are far safer than when they are serving people who are obviously acting unsafe being in a restaurant.
Joe Scarb: "Im getting told by restaurant owners (who hate Trump) that they can't get their employees to come back to work because they were earning more on UE" or something like that.


Those restaurant owners may think that is the case, hell they might even be told that. But it ignores that there is a fucking pandemic going on, and maybe those employees are weighing the risk of going back to work to earn approximately the same money as they get from UE, but at home they are far safer than when they are serving people who are obviously acting unsafe being in a restaurant.

media can be dangerous and spread mis/disinformation without giving it a second thought.

I'd ask Joe S for the transcript of exactly what was said.

truth can be elusive left or right.

words have meaning.

the same people that signed the CARES Act are being asked to sign the HEROES Act- what's the fucking holdup since they break on Friday and won't be back until 2021?
media can be dangerous and spread mis/disinformation without giving it a second thought.

I'd ask Joe S for the transcript of exactly what was said.

truth can be elusive left or right.
He has the platform, he should have a panel with some of those restaurant owners and their employees and show the reality for these people instead of just acting like he understands it well enough to spout bullshit.
Joe Scarborough is rude, himself. Constantly interrupting others, then searching for the words he wants, uh, uh, uh, uh, then goes on and on, without saying much. Is it because his name is in the show? He's not alone in this. Ari Melber infuriates me too, though I do like his reporting, for the most part, just not the fucking rap lyrics he feels a need to recite. Too Hip, as the old KMET stickers used to read.
WHOO-YA too-ya
I used to like Joe until I learned he killed his intern.

I don’t get MSNBC or FOX. I have to pay for them and neither is worth a nickel, from what I’ve seen. But, what do I know? I’m confused by this thread title and don’t really understand what “politically pissed” means.
He has the platform, he should have a panel with some of those restaurant owners and their employees and show the reality for these people instead of just acting like he understands it well enough to spout bullshit.

i watch to critique what the left is saying and dispel myth/rumor, like the one you just stated.

i'm tired of them.

i notice they no longer allow their pundits to have copies of their books in the background while discussing the deaths of our people by the hand of our despotic..how crass that was.
Just incase anyone reads that and thinks Trump's lies are in anyway true.
Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 9.40.06 AM.png
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump asked via Twitter if NBC would fire political talk show host Joe Scarborough based on an “unsolved mystery” years ago in Florida.

Trump added, “Investigate!” in the Wednesday tweet.

It was an apparent reference to the death of Lori Klausutis, who worked in Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach congressional office.


The 2001 death was investigated after Klausutis was found dead in the office. It isn’t considered a mystery.

An autopsy revealed that Klausutis had an undiagnosed heart condition and a coroner concluded she passed out and hit her head as she fell. The coroner said the head injury caused the death, but she wasn’t struck by another person.

The death occurred a month after Scarborough announced he was leaving office. Scarborough was in Washington when Klausutis died.
Just incase anyone reads that and thinks Trump's lies are in anyway true.
View attachment 4768970
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump asked via Twitter if NBC would fire political talk show host Joe Scarborough based on an “unsolved mystery” years ago in Florida.

Trump added, “Investigate!” in the Wednesday tweet.

It was an apparent reference to the death of Lori Klausutis, who worked in Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach congressional office.


The 2001 death was investigated after Klausutis was found dead in the office. It isn’t considered a mystery.

An autopsy revealed that Klausutis had an undiagnosed heart condition and a coroner concluded she passed out and hit her head as she fell. The coroner said the head injury caused the death, but she wasn’t struck by another person.

The death occurred a month after Scarborough announced he was leaving office. Scarborough was in Washington when Klausutis died.
Some people have to invent shit for something to do. I don’t understand the need for mystery or chaos.
Joe Scarb: "Im getting told by restaurant owners (who hate Trump) that they can't get their employees to come back to work because they were earning more on UE" or something like that.


Those restaurant owners may think that is the case, hell they might even be told that. But it ignores that there is a fucking pandemic going on, and maybe those employees are weighing the risk of going back to work to earn approximately the same money as they get from UE, but at home they are far safer than when they are serving people who are obviously acting unsafe being in a restaurant.

They very well could have been making more while they were receiving the $600 federal checks on top of their state unemployment but not once those federal checks stopped. I know someone that was making more money not working than when they were. The combined state and federal checks were more than what they were making when working full time.
They very well could have been making more while they were receiving the $600 federal checks on top of their state unemployment but not once those federal checks stopped. I know someone that was making more money not working than when they were. The combined state and federal checks were more than what they were making when working full time.
Only if you don't count tips and the fact that it is easy to pick up shifts when you need to pay rent or whatever else. Waiting tables is not a job that the paycheck really tell the story.

During a pandemic, it is far safer (and far cheaper if we don't have to pack our hospitals to the gills with very sick people) if people with non-essential public facing jobs stay home.
Only if you don't count tips and the fact that it is easy to pick up shifts when you need to pay rent or whatever else. Waiting tables is not a job that the paycheck really tell the story.

During a pandemic, it is far safer (and far cheaper if we don't have to pack our hospitals to the gills with very sick people) if people with non-essential public facing jobs stay home.
I don’t understand the NEED people have for dining out now or going to bars.
I just don’t get it.