i'm so pissed i'm shaking


Well-Known Member
i'm so pissed i'm pulsing! I just walked out my door to let my dog out and what do I see. tire marks all through my shit. I know the kid that did it. He is younger then me, i'm 21, he's 18 or 19 and just back from the marines. I can kick his ass and that is what I was on my way to do.

He is staying with this kid on my road while he is on leave. I went down there to find him, turns out they are at the haunted house downtown right now and he said they just left. That puts them driving down my road at the same time this shit happened. Also, he has done this shit before. I have hated him forever....

Input, he knows i'm a major pothead so he thinks i wont do shit to him cuz he might tell i smoke. But fuck it, the only thc i have in me right now is from my swisher and its in my bloodstream. Fuck i'm pissed, there are like 3 acres of marks.


Well-Known Member
he dont have one. he is kinda homeless, his parents live in a diff state and he just stays with this other kid that i'm cool with..... i was thinking of breaking out all his windows but thats his grandmas truck.


Well-Known Member
and then you go busting windows/heads. the next day the cops show up at your door.


Well-Known Member
see you think like me, east coast all day. Why would the cops search my outside workshop attic for punching someone in the face?

north strong & free

Active Member
place some spikes, rocks along your grass so he gets burned the next time. make a complaint to the police. no point using violence on a dumb, waste of skin neanderthal like him. so you smoke pot...who cares. just meet the police somewhere other than your front door so they can't smell anything.


Well-Known Member
i'm out to buy a disposable phone, my stupid ass cell wont charge, rallying the troops, tonight we ride.


Active Member
i say buy a 12 gauge and camp in ur front yard and wait then when he comes to burnout blast em and say they threatend ur life so you defended urself ....


Well-Known Member
i have a brick right inside my front door, i'm waiting this one out. wish i knew what time that haunted house closed


Well-Known Member
Rig up some traps in your front yard to fuck up his tires :twisted:

...or land mines...

I mean what can he say, he ran over the traps in YOUR yard - but I'm not great with legalities, so maybe it's not a great idea


Well-Known Member
swishers rolled, i'm camping the front of my yard behind trees in my truck with all lights off listening to the radio with all my lights off and duct tape over my radio light. Have a brick in the passenger side. Hope he tries it again. Also have nail strips i made lining the recycle bin that i put back. I'll update you tonight.