I'm so sick of winter!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm so sick of winter...I need a winter home somewhere warm... What kinda shitstorm is mother nature hurling your way?
Winter sucks! I do like the look of the landscape after a heavy snowfall. During Winter I concentrate on my work and countin down the days till I can ride my Harley without freezing my ass off! Right now there is about 4" of snow.


Active Member
Grrr...I'm with you. The older I get the less tolerant I am about the cold. Why do I live here again?

We have had snow on the ground for a month. Temps have not been above 25 for at least that long. Right now we have about 8 inches.

Good thing god invented pot, beer and sex.

from chicago


Well-Known Member
word, i get hella depressed in the winter. the world is against me these three months every year. i dont hardly work or make any real money in winter, the lack of sunshine really gets to me(im like weed, i need direct sunlight to thrive), and i hate the cold...im a tropical Irishman.

february is practically here, and the beginning of march is the end of winter, im trying to stay positive.


Well-Known Member
It's a chilly ass 67 degrees out right now where I'm from. IDK what I'd do if it went below 60. I think I'll go to the beach today... Maybe go fishing or swimming. I'll let you know.


Well-Known Member
i hate winter too.. but hey... they shut down my college today cuz of snow and ice ... couldnt believe it


Well-Known Member
crazy, when i was in college not too long ago, it was up to the teachers to decide if there was class or not. the school itself was always open.


Well-Known Member
crazy, when i was in college not too long ago, it was up to the teachers to decide if there was class or not. the school itself was always open.
yah.. this is the first time this has happened in like 4 yrs... but im not complaining. probably walk out to my snow covered car and hot box the shit outa it :weed:


Well-Known Member
haha lol. i just moved to MA from right down the street from that beach. swear to god. its snowing today. all the school are closed. i gotta plow i love winter.
yea I don't mind it much. night classes canceled tonihgt... bout to turn on the xbox and play some COD4 with a couple dutchies :fire: