Im sorry for this.... But.....


Well-Known Member
What do you all do when someone you love and have been with for a long time suddenly tells you she doesnt love you anymore and has feelings for an old boyfriend :spew:

This shit was out of flippin left field man :cry:, lastnight we were having fun and laughing together. I Loved her so much and she was my only true FRIEND. I feel like im missing a major part of me and i hate how much my life is going to change because of not having her now :sad:

Im sorry for this thread guys&gals, i just needed somewhere to vent a little =/
I dont really have anyone to talk to at the moment lol

Love you all

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Ahh someone with the same feelings eh. my gf left me 4 weeks ago. i just got ca call from this girl and she came over. it took my ex gfs thought outta my mind... i guess she used you as a third wheel i dunno.. but theres a reason for everything. maybe its something that just has to change for the best. Good luck with it Bro. Go out and have some fun man. get your mind on something else. i know it helped me alot . im much more happy. Peace.


Active Member
again, i am sorry to hear that,i do not want to say if it was meant to be it was meant to be, because it still hurts. just know that you can trust someone again....i was in a similar situatation and shut myself up for days beating myself up and pissed at everyone i was not until i saw shawshank redemption that pulled me out of it...GET BUSY LIVIN' OR GET BUSY DYING...THAT'S GODDAMN RIGHT.......


Well-Known Member
What do you all do when someone you love and have been with for a long time suddenly tells you she doesnt love you anymore and has feelings for an old boyfriend :spew:

This shit was out of flippin left field man :cry:, lastnight we were having fun and laughing together. I Loved her so much and she was my only true FRIEND. I feel like im missing a major part of me and i hate how much my life is going to change because of not having her now :sad:

Im sorry for this thread guys&gals, i just needed somewhere to vent a little =/
I dont really have anyone to talk to at the moment lol

Love you all
Now shes gone you can find an upgrade,thats the best thought to try to keep in your mind:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody, you've given me some good advice and Im definitely gonna get to living. It just sucks lol, im really not looking forward to having to search for decent girls again (seeing as how there quite slim pickins lol). Oh well lifes a bitch, fuck it and move on they say. There will be better I know =)


Well-Known Member
Heres what you do:
Stalk her.
Burn your name in her front lawn.
Send over a mariachi band at 3 in the morning.
Stalk her.
Write "I still love you" in blood in her bathroom mirror.
Kill the boyfriend.
Stalk her.
Kill her dog. <-the chicks love that
Send her a live cat via USPS.

She'll come crawling back! I guarantee it!


New Member
Yeah...That would win me over for sure. :dunce::dunce:
Heres what you do:
Stalk her.
Burn your name in her front lawn.
Send over a mariachi band at 3 in the morning.
Stalk her.
Write "I still love you" in blood in her bathroom mirror.
Kill the boyfriend.
Stalk her.
Kill her dog. <-the chicks love that
Send her a live cat via USPS.

She'll come crawling back! I guarantee it!

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
It means you need to Up your game mentally and physically. :blsmoke:

And write her off!
If she comes back tell her to take a hike!
You're a New improved Man now!

You don't have time for stupid, indicisive Hags anymore....

"Fukk that Bitch and the Horse she rode in on"
Thats what your mentality should be...

But I sense you'll be a sopping mess and cry all over some stupid shit and fall into her stupid mental game traps...

Don't be a Chump! Theres lots of fish out there..


Well-Known Member
This happens to pretty much everyone at some point, or if not something similar.

It happens for a reason and I truly 100% believe that it is to teach you certain lessons so when the woman your going to spend the rest of your life comes along your head is in the right place to for the relationship to be perfect.


Well-Known Member
Heres what you do:
Stalk her.
Burn your name in her front lawn.
Send over a mariachi band at 3 in the morning.
Stalk her.
Write "I still love you" in blood in her bathroom mirror.
Kill the boyfriend.
Stalk her.
Kill her dog. <-the chicks love that
Send her a live cat via USPS.

She'll come crawling back! I guarantee it!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::lol::clap::-P:-o:hug::grin: Thank you for that friend =) that was hilarious! i needed that laugh lol. Nah i dont want her back, i cant trust her anymore so why would i want a relationship with her lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for tha advice everybody once again ^_^ it really helped having you all talk to me. Dont worry tho im not stuck up on her or anything, im ready to move on fo sho lol, spent all morning workin out lol (gotta get that physical game up lol)

Thanks to all and I love you all =)
Thanks for all the advice again

In other news, I need more weed damnit! Im at the bottom of my jar and my fuggin Nug conec hasn't re-uped yet =/ YArRrRrRrRGgggggG! And because of yesterday my tolerance has gone up quite a bit and i now have to smoke 3x the amount of mid i normally would have lol



Well-Known Member
i used to get mad chicks off the internet city chats before I got married, send me a pic, I'll send you mine if everythings fine, meet me at my place at nine, for a movie and some wine, and maybe even some drunk sex if she has the time:mrgreen:

but if not, tell her to leave at the next stop, and then do it all again untill you got one suckin on your cock:mrgreen:

im telling you, somthing about a gurl putting her mouth on your wang that just makes all your other problems just disapear:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
umm at least she didn't sneak around your back. Its good that she told you.

yeah just like fdd said. now ur her old boyfriend and she'll be back.


Well-Known Member
yeah and when she is back i'll get to have the pleasure of saying, Fuck off Bish ^_^
And I'll say it with a smile on my face =)
Im the kind of person where, once your out of my life, your OUT.